When Food Makes Us Smell Bad

We are not talking about eating raw garlic and then stinking for hours no matter how much we brush our teeth or consume peppermints… Did you know that food makes us smell bad? Through perspiration we expel an aroma that goes beyond normal when we consume certain dishes.

In this article we will tell you why. What are you waiting to read it?

Does food cause body odor?

Sometimes we can’t understand it, but it’s no use taking a bath twice a day or changing our socks. Deodorant doesn’t seem to work, neither does toothpaste.

The bad fragrance you give off comes out of your pores, so to speak. There are foods that increase the smell of your body, since they increase the acidity of perspiration. The horrible and somewhat “sour” smell of your sweat is due to an imbalance in organic chemistry when exercising or being on the go.

Internal toxins are eliminated in a number of ways, the main ones being feces, urine, exhalation, and perspiration.

If our diet is not adequate or is based on a lot of acidifying food, the body is more likely to give off a more penetrating and strong odor. Why? Because it has to work harder to excrete waste.

What foods make us smell bad?

If you’ve tried everything to be clean but still suck, don’t blame anything other than the food you ate the night before.

Do you want to know which are the foods that increase the stench? Here we present them:

1. Red meat

Red meat

At the Charles University in Prague, they conducted a very curious as well as interesting study. They collected the sweat of men who ate red meat and vegetarians. They then had a group of women smell the samples and say which ones were the most unpleasant.

According to the volunteers, the most unpleasant smells came from those who had eaten meat.

2. Garlic

Garlic head and cloves

Garlic causes halitosis, but some people also have bad body odor. This is evidenced by a study published in the Journal of Food Science.

This essential component in many recipes contains volatile substances that are released through sweat. Being absorbed in part by the blood and lungs, they give off a horrible fragrance to the skin and breath.

3. Hydrogenated oil

Hydrogenated oil

Hydrogenated oil can be found in junk food and it breaks down quickly in the body. As soon as you finish eating the hamburger (which also has meat, and you know what happens) the stench is unbearable.

The skin becomes greasy and it does not matter if you lie down or sit for a while: you will give off a bad smell due to the oil that is also present in the fries of the combo.

In addition, this class of foods contain trans fatty acids, elements that have been shown to harm health in the medium term.

4. Curry

Close up of a bowl of ground turmeric.

Very aromatic spices such as curry or cumin are delicious to give a different flavor to food, but they also become an enemy of your personal hygiene.

When you eat an Indian dish, for example, and then exercise, the sweat will be stronger and will last even after taking a bath.

5. Alcohol


Alcoholic beverages have more negative than positive effects. If you go for drinks today, tomorrow you will surely smell bad even if you shower to get rid of your hangover.

Alcohol passes through the blood and then “comes out” through the pores and the breath. This is the reason why the breath will be awful and the body will smell the next day.

6. Sausages

Sausages of animal origin

Something similar happens to what happens with meat and junk food. If you are a lover of sausages or pate, it may be the reason for your bad smell. Sausages break down in such a way as to increase heartburn and cause gas.

Therefore, they are not a good idea if you notice lately that you don’t smell too good.

7. Asparagus


Asparagus is delicious and healthy. Although after eating them you will not have an unpleasant fragrance on your skin, you will notice it in your urine.

The strong aroma of urination is due to mercaptan sulfur, a compound present in asparagus.

8. Fish

Blue Fish

Not only does it smell from the time we buy it to the time we cook it, but it also increases the body stench.

The truth is that this does not happen in all people, but in those who suffer from an inherited metabolic disorder known as trimethylaminuria. This problem means it takes longer to decompose the fish and, therefore, a greater difficulty in excreting toxins.

9. Cruciferous

alkaline foods broccoli

Cabbages and broccoli are delicious and can be enjoyed in thousands of recipes. However, they  belong to a family of “odorous” as they contain sulfur.

The aroma that comes out of the body in the form of gases will be similar to that of a rotten egg. If you like them a lot you can eat them from time to time … They will provide you with many antioxidants and nutrients.

10. Coffee

Drink coffee

Are you one of those people who can’t start the day without a cup of steaming coffee next to you? Or maybe the kind that drinks coffee multiple times during your workday?

Believe it or not, the reason for bad body odor is probably coffee. And it is that caffeine stimulates the sweat glands and increases perspiration.

11. Onion

It gives a different touch to your meals and is almost as essential in the kitchen as garlic. However, it may be causing the stench on your skin or breath (especially if you consume it raw).

Onion oils are absorbed into the bloodstream, filtered into the lungs, and passed out of the body with breathing.

Improve your diet to smell better

Although not everyone is aware of it, diet influences body odor. For this reason it is necessary to take care of the food that is consumed, to avoid that others have an unpleasant perception as they approach. Despite the fact that the mentioned effects are not as striking around the world, these products are capable of altering the body’s odor.

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