4 Types Of Teeth Whitening

There are different types of teeth whitening that adapt to the needs of each person. Each of them has different specifications that must be taken into account.

There are up to 4 types of teeth whitening depending on the circumstances in which we find ourselves. It is not the same to whiten healthy teeth, than ones that have various problems or that have undergone processes such as root canals. However, today we will discover what differences each type of whitening presents.

Currently we have the possibility of whitening our teeth at home once we have attended the first session at the dental clinic. We have to be aware that the result will depend largely on the follow-up of the instructions given by the professional and that, although there are many home-made alternatives, the ideal is to first consult with the expert to obtain the best results and not neglect health dental.

Types of teeth whitening

Next, we are going to discover the 4 types of teeth whitening most used today. We will see their characteristics, how they are carried out, in which cases they are not recommended and the results that we can obtain.

1. Teeth whitening at home

Woman pouring toothpaste on brush.

There are several brands that offer the option of whitening your teeth yourself from the comfort of your home. A cheaper option, suitable for all budgets and that promises results. But is it really so? How is this process carried out?

The process of whitening teeth at home usually consists of using a whitening gel or toothpaste and a splint,  which is left on the teeth for a certain time. When you remove it, your teeth will be a little whiter.

Performing this process only once will not give results. It should be a constant process that can last from a few days to a few weeks depending on the product. The problem is that when it is discontinued, the teeth begin to lose that white obtained until they return to how they were at the beginning.

2. Whitening in specialized clinic

It is probably the option that attracts the most public. These are specialized clinics where they analyze the state of the teeth and, based on it, provide us with lasting whitening.

The process is usually developed in the following way: first the gums are protected with a special cover, then a whitening gel is applied and, then, a fixed light is used that enhances the properties of that gel. Goggles are often used to protect the eyes during treatment.

After this process, it is recommended not to drink coffee or smoke for 72 hours. . It usually takes a while to have to go through this process again as it is quite long-lasting. However, at home the use of a whitening paste will be recommended to maintain the effects that have been obtained for as long as possible. Good care will be necessary so that our teeth last white much longer.

Teeth whitening in a clinic.

3. Mixed teeth whitening

This third type of whitening combines dental whitening in the clinic with the one we can perform at home. In many cases, the clinic will offer us a splint and a whitening paste that we must use from time to time.

Very yellowish or deteriorated teeth may require this type of treatment, since a session in the clinic may not be enough to achieve the desired whitening. It is an intensive treatment and if we follow the specialist’s instructions to the letter, we will have guaranteed success.

4. Internal teeth whitening

Consult with a dentist to place a dental implant.

The last of the types of teeth whitening that we are going to talk about is internal teeth whitening. This means that the whitening paste or gel is to be used from inside the tooth.  It is an option designed for people who have undergone a root canal.

Due to root canals the teeth can be darkened. For this reason, performing the whitening treatment from inside the tooth is the best option. However, it takes a while to achieve the desired results. Several sessions are needed.

Have you ever been encouraged to experience some of these whitening? It is necessary to say that those that are performed in clinics are totally safe for the health of your teeth. You do not have to fear that they will be damaged, that they will weaken or that they will lose their shine.

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