6 Foods To Protect Your Bone Density When Reaching Menopause

Although dairy products are the best known foods when it comes to taking care of our bone health, there are also others that can provide us with calcium and other essential nutrients for it

The hormonal changes that come with menopause involve a series of physical and emotional alterations in the woman’s body.

Since estrogen production decreases, it increases the recurrence of some symptoms and the incidence of suffering from some chronic disorders.

In fact, this hormonal imbalance is proven to have a direct effect on bone health.

Thus, it increases the loss of bone density and, therefore, increases the chances of developing osteoporosis.

Furthermore, this is becoming a very worrying problem for the entire adult female population. Especially because many do not know how to reduce risks.

Fortunately, adopting  a healthy diet can significantly strengthen bone mass, especially when starting at a young age.

In this sense, today we want to dedicate this space to share in detail the 6 best foods to protect bones.

Consume them regularly and enjoy their benefits.

Foods for bone density during menopause

1. Milk and its derivatives

The milk products

Milk and other dairy products provide us with significant amounts of calcium. This is  an essential mineral for the formation and strengthening of bones.

In addition, the low intake of this essential nutrient is directly related to:

  • The reduction of bone mass.
  • The premature deterioration of the bones.

Unless you suffer from lactose intolerance, it is advisable to consume this type of food at least three times a week.

These include:

  • Natural yogurt
  • Cheeses
  • Kefir
  • The icecream

2. Blue fish

Oily fish and cod liver oil are healthy sources of vitamin D. This is an essential nutrient for bone health. This is so because it  is essential in the calcium absorption process.

This type of food reduces the loss of density in the bones. In turn, on the other hand, it minimizes the negative effect exerted by free radicals.

As if that were not enough, they are one of the best sources of essential fatty acids, such as omega 3, necessary to protect the cardiovascular system and cells.

3. Nuts


Nuts are one of the best foods for women’s health, before, during and after the menopausal stage.

These foods are loaded with essential fatty acids, vitamin D, calcium, and other important nutrients that counteract the effects of hormonal runaways.

Its regular intake reduces the risk of obesity. In addition, if that were not enough, it improves muscle health and the bone system.

On the other hand, they minimize the drop in estrogen levels. Therefore, they fight the demineralization of the bones.

4. Legumes

Legumes are another essential food in the diet of women who will soon start their menopausal stage.

These are a healthy source of calcium, vitamin D, and phosphorus. These are three minerals necessary for the strengthening of bone pieces.

Its regular consumption counteracts the loss of minerals caused by hormonal uncontrols. In turn, it takes care of muscle mass.

Some of the most prominent are:

  • First of all, the beans.
  • Second, lentils.
  • Then the chickpeas.
  • On the other hand, carob beans.
  • Also, peas or peas.
  • Lastly, soybeans.

5. Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables

Regular consumption of green leafy vegetables is healthy for any time in life.

In this special case, it is convenient to increase your intake. Not only because they represent a significant source of calcium, but because they provide iron, phosphorus and other minerals that decrease when reaching menopause.

Its vegetable proteins protect bone, joint and muscle health. Therefore, they   reduce the susceptibility to trauma and fractures.

They also provide a very important amount of vitamin K, a nutrient recognized for being key in the metabolism of osteocalcin, necessary to prevent bone malformations.

Among the green vegetables include:

  • On the one hand, spinach.
  • On the other hand, broccoli.
  • Also, cabbages.
  • Parsley.
  • Lettuce.
  • And finally, the celery.

6. Enriched cereals

Cereals fortified with calcium and vitamin D are a healthy option to protect bones. In fact, they are useful both in the early stages of life and in adulthood.

Its intake before and during menopause helps to minimize the negative effects of hormonal imbalance.

 In turn, it helps reduce symptoms such as hot flashes, excessive sweating and, also, sudden mood swings.

Positive dietary changes are one of the best ways to avoid developing serious disorders upon reaching menopause.

Try to increase your intake of the foods mentioned and, at the same time, reduce the consumption of sodas, sugars and other refined ones.

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