Juices To Lower Cholesterol

Pomegranate juice has a delicious taste and is rich in antioxidants that, in addition to reducing cholesterol, help us protect heart health.

High cholesterol can trigger complications such as clogging your arteries. It is a condition that requires constant and regular control, in order to prevent serious cardiovascular diseases. To lower cholesterol, a change in eating habits is usually recommended, including some natural juices.

Juice recipes to lower cholesterol

Apple juice

Various studies maintain that the apple would be good for lowering cholesterol levels, in the form of juice or eating the fruit raw. In addition, it would be beneficial for health in general, especially to promote the increase in good cholesterol (HDL) and reduce the bad (LDL).

Drinking an apple juice daily would then be a natural method to promote the expulsion of toxins, exerting a cleansing action on the body.

Lemon and ginger juice

Both contain active antioxidants that would help lower cholesterol. In the case of lemon, a 2010 study indicated that consuming its juice on a regular basis would contribute to a reduction in triglycerides and an increase in high-density lipoproteins.

Ginger, on the other hand, would have the ability to prevent the formation of blood cells that can hinder the proper functioning of the circulation and would raise the body temperature to also burn fat. This juice is made with a lemon, 100 grams of ginger root and a little water.

Kiwi, strawberry and orange juice

hepp juices

Pineapple and grapes are attributed different properties that would help lower cholesterol. Its antioxidant content is believed to help prevent heart disease, improve blood circulation, and lower cholesterol.

Celery, apple and cucumber juice

You will need to:

  • Three apples.
  • Two stalks of celery.
  • Three-quarters of a large cucumber.

Wash and peel the apple well and remove its core. The cucumber is cut into slices. Blend everything together and serve it in a glass. Drink this juice on an empty stomach every morning for a week.

Pineapple, parsley, celery and cucumber juice

The ingredients are:

  • A branch of parsley.
  • Celery.
  • Cucumber.
  • Pineapple.

Wash, cut and liquify. Drink the juice in the morning.

Celery, carrot, parsley and spinach juice

  • Celery.
  • Carrot.
  • Spinach.
  • Parsley.

Wash, cut and peel everything. Then blend and drink a glass every morning before breakfast.

Banana, papaya and orange juice

  • Two pieces of papaya.
  • Orange.
  • Two bananas or bananas.

Peel the bananas and cut them into slices, squeeze the orange juice and cut the papaya slices. Mix everything in the blender and drink in the morning.

Cabbage and garlic juice

For this juice you need:

  • Two cloves of garlic.
  • Medium medium cabbage.

You must mash the garlic and then wash and chop the cabbage. Put everything in the blender and add a glass of water. Drink in the morning but do not extend the treatment for more than a week as it weakens the thyroid glands.

Lemon, cucumber, garlic, aloe, grapefruit juice

  • Cucumber.
  • Garlic.
  • Juice of one lemon.
  • Aloe.
  • Grapefruit juice.

Wash all the ingredients, squeeze the juices and slice the cucumber. Crush the garlic. Blend everything very well and drink a glass a day three times a week.

Apple juice, milk, pistachio ice cream and sugar

The ingredient amounts are:

  • Apples
  • Milk.
  • Pistachio Ice Cream.
  • Sugar to taste.

You can also add crushed ice. Place the peeled and cored apples in the blender, add the other ingredients and mix very well.

Orange, apple, lemon and beet juice

  • Apple.
  • Lemon.
  • Two oranges.
  • Beet root.

Pour all well washed, peeled and chopped (as appropriate) into the blender glass, mix well and serve.

Natural juices that help lose weight and lower cholesterol

If you suffer from cholesterol, consult your doctor to determine the best diet to control your levels and achieve lower cholesterol. Remember that these juices can be an ally of the treatment indicated by the professional, but never replace it.

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