8 Symptoms That Can Help You Recognize Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is a disorder that alters the functioning of the thyroid gland, responsible for important processes such as metabolism and the production of hormones.

It is a common disease in today’s population that affects mostly women and occurs when the level of thyroid hormones decreases or stops being produced in the necessary amounts.

This generates a series of changes in many of the main systems of the body and, if that were not enough, it reduces the ability to maintain a healthy and balanced weight.

The problem is that it develops gradually and, due to its symptoms, it is common for it to be confused with more common and sporadic conditions. For this reason, today we want to share 8 symptoms that could be decisive in recognizing the disease and receiving a timely diagnosis.

8 common symptoms in hypothyroidism

1. Sudden weight gain

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Excess body weight usually occurs due to poor eating habits and sedentary lifestyle. However, when the person eats a healthy diet and still gains a few kilos, it is very likely that its cause is hypothyroidism. In fact, obesity is sometimes related to this disease.

Hypothyroidism directly influences metabolic functions, and slows down the processes that are responsible for burning fat.

2. Hypothyroidism leads to feelings of tiredness

Feeling of physical and mental tiredness, or chronic fatigue, is common among patients who begin to have problems with their thyroid.

Although it is a symptom that is related to many health problems, it should not be ruled out that it has to do with this condition.

3. High cholesterol

High levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) can be a consequence of the consumption of foods rich in fat, carbohydrates and other substances that affect the activity of metabolism.

However, when it is accompanied by the above symptoms, or it occurs for no apparent reason, it may be that hypothyroidism is developing.

4. Sudden mood swings

When the thyroid glands stop secreting the necessary amount of hormones, sudden and sudden mood swings often appear. One study found prevalence of anxiety and depressive symptoms among hypothyroid patients.

  • Hypothyroid patients are at  high risk for anxiety, depression, and stress.
  • Although these problems can be caused by multiple factors, this condition should not be ruled out as a possible cause.

5. Memory problems

Memory problems that affect everyday life hypothyroidism

Alterations in thyroid functions directly influence the health of the nervous system. Some studies show small deficits in memory and executive function.

  • Hormonal imbalances that occur with this condition often play a role in brain weakening and memory loss.

6. Dry skin

The decrease in hormones that occurs with hypothyroidism leads to negative reactions in the skin. This creates excess dryness and, over days, makes the skin look rough and blemished.

Even, in many cases, this symptom is accompanied by weakening of the nails, excessive hair loss and difficulties in the regeneration and healing process.

7. Constipation


Constipation is a condition that occurs when the body has difficulty eliminating waste that is retained in the colon. Although it is a common symptom in many digestive problems, its development can also be due to a decrease in thyroid hormones.

  • This is because the thyroid gland participates in metabolism and the activities of the digestive tract, both key to optimal waste elimination.
  • In turn, this condition reduces the contractility of the intestine, thus affecting the passage of waste through it.

8. Muscle aches

Muscle aches are common among those who suffer from inflammatory problems, or those who practice high intensity exercises.

However, when none of these is the cause, it is necessary to analyze if its recurrence has to do with weakening and dysfunction of the thyroid.

  • Although it could be ignored, when the hormones that regulate metabolism decrease, muscles and joints tend to weaken.

However, it is a symptom that can be overcome thanks to the practice of healthy habits such as low-impact exercises and stretches.

What to do if symptoms of hypothyroidism occur

In conclusion, although the mentioned symptoms also occur with other diseases, it is important to consider that they may be due to thyroid problems. If you have a family history or risk factors associated with hypothyroidism, see your doctor.

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