Is There The Right Time To Drink Coffee?

And you, what time do you usually have coffee?

Like most of the population, you will most likely do it right after waking up.

We need to clear ourselves up and get a good injection of energy and positivity.

Now, something that we have always taken for granted, now, it seems not to be so.

As we already know, science, always eager to answer the most everyday questions, comes to reveal that that first dose of coffee might not be so positive first thing in the morning.

However, and that must be made clear from the beginning.

Each of us knows our body and we know what is best for us at all times.

However, it never hurts to try, even if only as a curiosity, the following proposal.

We will explain it to you below.

The first cup of coffee will always be better a little later

We know that mornings smell like coffee.

As soon as we get out of bed, all we think about is a caffeine shot to “work.”

The fact that they now tell us to wait a few hours is something that many of us view with skepticism.

Of course, there are good reasons that explain why it would be appropriate to wait at least two hours after getting up.

Your cortisol level and coffee

Steven Miller is a neuropsychologist and an expert in chronopharmacology, the discipline that analyzes the interaction between the different biological rhythms of the human body and drugs.

After some studies that he himself published on his popular science blog “NeuroscienceDC”, he explained that having that first cup of coffee as soon as we wake up would not be as effective as we think.

  • The reason for this is in our circadian rhythms and cortisol.
  • Circadian rhythms are those that control our sleep habits and also regulate cortisol, the so-called “stress hormone” in charge of keeping us alert.

We must know that when we open our eyes to the new day and get up, cortisol begins to work on its own.

In fact, as various studies have explained to us regarding circadian rhythms, the time of day when cortisol is most active is between 8 and 9 in the morning.

The coffee and the headache

headache when drinking coffee

Drinking coffee at those times of the day thus implies incorporating a stimulant into our body just when it is naturally reaching a level of alertness.

According to Dr. Miller, the principles of pharmacology are resounding and clear: it is not appropriate to incorporate a drug into the body when it is not yet needed.

  • Drinking coffee when our cortisol level peaks explains why some people experience headaches.
  • We are suffering from an overload and our body sometimes reacts with the opposite effect to the desired one: we can feel more anxious and even tired.

It is clear, however, that each body reacts in a way.

While it is true that some people will do well to have that first cup first thing in the morning, if we waited a little longer, the benefits would be more powerful.

The best time for coffee is between 9:30 and 11:30 in the morning

Cup of coffee

Everything will undoubtedly depend on what time we get up.

The most advisable thing is to wait between an hour and a half and two hours.

It is when the level of cortisol in the blood has a lower peak.

Therefore, a perfect moment for that desired dose of caffeine opens before us.

  • One of the basic principles of pharmacology is to administer drugs when they are needed. Beyond how anecdotal the data may seem to us, it would be worth taking it into account.
  • The fact of having that first cup of coffee just at the moment that our cortisol level is highest, will make many times that we develop tolerance.

That is, we will not notice the effects of coffee.

Something like that causes us to need another cup after a while. It’s not the right thing to do.

In the article he tells us that the most ideal times to drink coffee throughout the day are two.

Between 9.30 a.m. and 11.30 a.m. and between 1.30 p.m. and 5 p.m.

As we can see, we have a wide time slot where we can enjoy between two and three cups of coffee a day. So it would be worth the test.

Get up and have a good natural juice for breakfast, some protein and fiber, and then wait two hours for our dose of caffeine.

It is possible that we suddenly feel much more clear, productive and with energy to face the day.

Do you dare to do the test?

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