6 Daily Habits That Affect The Health Of Your Brain

The brain is the control axis of our body. Together with the nervous system, it is in charge of regulating mental functions and a wide variety of vital processes.

It is one of the most complex and mysterious parts of all human beings, located in the cranial cavity. Its study has represented a major challenge for the scientific community. In fact, it continues to be a primary focus for research today.

Precisely thanks to this, today it is recognized that many of the habits that we practice every day have a good or bad influence on its functioning. It is almost inevitable that it deteriorates with age.

However,  some factors that may seem harmless to us actually accelerate their wear.

1. Skipping breakfast: a mistake for your brain health

I do not have breakfast

Foods eaten first thing in the day at breakfast are the fuel source used by the brain to carry out its functions during the day.

Skipping this meal, or replacing it with unhealthy options, could cause a weakening of mental functions. This is confirmed by research such as the one published in 2017 in the journal BMC Public Health .

Specifically, research suggests that skipping breakfast or eating a poor-quality breakfast could have a negative effect on cognitive function.

How to solve it?

  • Make sure you eat a complete and balanced breakfast, which corresponds to 25% of your total daily calories.
  • Includes sources of protein, antioxidants, and fiber.
  • Consume it within the first hour after waking up.

2. Bad sleep affects the performance of your brain

During the rest period we produce a material known as myelin, whose function is, among others, to protect the cells of the nervous system.

Due to a poor night’s sleep, this substance is reduced and, as a consequence, the brain suffers and memory, concentration and other skills can be impaired.

How to solve it?

  • Keep in mind that an optimal rest is achieved with 7 or 8 hours of sleep a day.
  • If you have difficulty sleeping for this period, look for solutions to induce your body to rest.
  • Lastly, keep your bedroom quiet and clean, free of distracting elements.

3. overeat

eat a lot

All extremes are bad, and so while eating too little affects the brain, overeating is also harmful.

Eating more food than the body needs leads to the accumulation of excess substances in the form of toxins and fats, which can cause hardening or clogging of the arteries.

This situation interferes with circulation and, in turn, prevents oxygen and nutrients from reaching the brain cells optimally.

How to solve it?

  • Adopt a balanced meal plan, moderate in calories and fat.
  • Avoid excessive consumption of processed foods.
  • Choose to eat organic foods.
  • Divide your food servings for 5 or 6 dishes a day.

4. Consume too much sugar

Excess refined sugar in the regular diet has a lot to do with the cognitive problems that develop in old age.

This is shown by studies such as the one published in 2016 in the British Journal of Nutrition . In this, it was observed that a higher sugar intake is associated with a lower cognitive function.

How to solve it?

  • Avoid adding too much sugar to your daily diet.
  • Limit your consumption of products that are high in sugar.
  • Choose to use natural sweeteners like honey or stevia.

    5. Staying inactive affects the health of your brain

    We stop exercising.  Brain.

    Physical inactivity or sedentary lifestyle is another factor that, although it may not seem like it, could influence the premature deterioration of brain functions. By reducing physical activity, we have a greater chance of contracting cardiovascular diseases or even Alzheimer’s.

    How to solve it?

    • Get at least 30 minutes of exercise every day.
    • Get into a cardio and strength training routine.
    • Choose activities that, in turn, increase the demand on brain functions (for example, those that require exercise and coordination).

    6. Working sick also affects the health of your brain

    For both physical and mental health, it is better to rest before the symptoms of an infection or disease of any kind.

    Although not all of them manifest severely, they usually involve greater wear and tear on both the brain and the rest of the body.

    Therefore, by demanding work in this state, there is a reduction in concentration and difficulties in carrying out an effective work.

    How to solve it?

    • Rest for as long as it takes to fully recover from the illness.
    • If necessary, ask for a medical disability.

    Did you just identify these habits? If they tend to be part of your routine, try to correct them so as not to suffer sequelae on brain health.

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