Amazing! Find Out How To Stretch Your Spine In Just 2 Minutes

You need two minutes, just 120 seconds to stretch your spine and relieve back pain. That easy.

If you accustom your body to benefit from this simple exercise every day, you will enjoy a better posture and physical well-being that will directly affect your quality of life.

It is not magic or a casual remedy. We talk about that kind of simple and easy physiotherapy that we all have at our fingertips.

Your body talks to you, but you don’t listen to it

We are sure that, on more than one occasion, you will have come home with the feeling of having something “stuck” in your back. You tilt your head, move your shoulders, and the discomfort seems to subside a bit.

We go to bed and the next day we wake up rested, everything is fine – at least, for now. We can avoid overloads for a month, two months or three months.

However, if our work forces us to maintain the same position for several hours, sooner or later lower back pain, whiplash or even chronic tension headaches will appear.

  • Our body speaks, and it does so every day. The cramps, the stiff neck, the headache, the tingling in the hands, that heat in the lower backā€¦  All of these are symptoms of a spinal column that we are not taking care of as it deserves.
  • Also, we cannot forget an essential aspect. Our emotions have a direct impact on our spine.
  • Factors such as stress, anxiety, nerves or worries tighten all those areas between the cervical area and the coccyx.

Stretches can help you

Stretching your spine for just two minutes each day can help you feel much better. It may seem too simple, too elementary, to offer us such well-being.

However, the key to all this is in these explanations:

  • With poor posture, our joints are less irrigated, until, little by little, they become a little stiffer.

    As you work, try to stretch your spine every so often.

    • However, when we stretch we enhance the general blood flow to stimulate the muscles and restore flexibility to our joints.
    • Also, something as appropriate as getting used to stretching every day will help you reduce muscle tension and improve your coordination. This is suggested by this study from the University of Malaga.
    • Nor can we forget that, to improve the health of our muscles and joints, we have to take care of our sense of proprioception. Proprioception helps us develop adequate body awareness. We enhance the natural ability of our body to detect movement and the natural position of the joints.

    Learn to stretch your spine in just 2 minutes

    Simple exercise to stretch your spine.

    To stretch your spine, you will need a space in your house where you can lie down. Try to make it a comfortable surface where your back is straight and stretched out.

    • We are going to focus our simple exercise on the muscle group where the hamstrings are concentrated.
    • This is one of the most common stretches in sports and, due to its ease and effectiveness, it will be very useful to us.

    What I need

    • A mat or rug to lie on
    • A strap or a ribbon
    • A tennis ball

    How i do the exercise

    • Put on comfortable clothes.
    • Lie down on the mat or mat, so that your entire back is straight and in contact with the floor.
    • Now place the tennis ball under your lower back.
    • It is time to grab the tape: you should place it on the sole of the foot, not in the same center, but a little more towards the toes.
    • Take the tape in your hands and tense your leg for about twenty seconds or as far as your body allows.
    • Breathe deeply, slowly.
    • Next, we will repeat the same exercise on the other leg.
    • Ideally, do this stretching exercise for two minutes.

    The ball in your lower back will allow you to become aware of your back while doing the stretches; however, if you prefer, you can do without it.

    It is important to practice this exercise every day. It is a simple and spectacular way to stretch your back to prevent injuries and overloads.

    However, remember not to force the exercise and do it according to your possibilities, without injuring yourself.

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