Aphonia And Dysphonia: Differences, Similarities And Treatments

Both terms can be considered similar, however, they are two different vocal disorders. Dysphonia is popularly known as hoarseness and aphonia is losing your voice.

Hoarseness and dysphonia are conditions with marked differences that occur in the vocal cords, a part of the larynx located in the throat. When the vocal cords become inflamed or infected, they tend to swell. This is what can trigger aphonia and dysphonia.

Many people confuse both terms believing that they are synonymous. However, these are two related but different vocal disorders. Dysphonia is popularly known as hoarseness and aphonia is losing your voice.

One way to remember the difference between the two is by analyzing their name. The prefix “a-” before any word means absence. Therefore, the a-phone is the lack of voice. However, the prefix “dis-” is related to an alteration. In this way, dysphonia means an imbalance in the voice.

Aphonia: what is it, why does it appear

Hoarseness is generally considered the more serious of the two conditions. This  occurs when the voice is lost, or when it sounds like a very low whisper. It can be something gradual or not and among the main causes are usually problems in the larynx.

Most common causes of aphonia

In the first place, certain diseases of the respiratory system, such as pharyngitis, laryngitis, or allergies, give rise to aphonia. As well as persistent cough, tumors or nodules. Misuse of the voice, such as forcing it too much, can also lead to the development of the condition.

In addition, there are certain irritating or toxic products that can be very negative. For example:

  • Tobacco or alcohol
  • Pepper or vinegar
  • Chemicals or abrasives.

Of course, after  laryngeal surgery or other medical procedures, aphonia can occur during the recovery process. Similarly, the problem may have arisen from trauma.

Dysphonia: what is it, why does it appear

Dysphonia is an alteration in the voice. However, in this case it does not completely disappear as occurs in aphonia. Popularly, the problem is known as hoarseness.

The problem may have developed for a number of reasons. From those in which a person screamed excessively to a person who has glottic cancer or a post-surgical complication.

Generally, in milder cases, those who work the most on their voices on a day-to-day basis are more likely to develop the condition . Such as teachers, announcers, or receptionists.

Dysphonia mainly occurs when the vocal cords are overloaded, screaming very loudly, not wrapping the neck well when it is cold or drinking iced drinks. Although the causes are similar to aphonia, this condition usually lasts less time and is not usually related to a more serious illness.

You do have to pay attention when the dysphonia box recurs on a regular basis, complications appear, or it lasts excessively. In any case, a consultation with the otolaryngologist is very important to rule out chronic pathologies.

Natural remedies for hoarseness and dysphonia

As a first measure, it is usually recommended to perform vocal rest and not force the voice or force it to raise the sound. In some cases, speech therapy or endoscopic surgical treatment may be indicated.

To determine if there are injuries or malformations, a technique called laryngoscopy is usually used . This is carried out with a small tube that is inserted into the throat, at the end it has a camera.

Some remedies for hoarseness or dysphonia due to mild causes  -such as bad use of the voice or cold-catching- are:

Recipe n ° 1 against imbalances in the voice


  • 1 onion.
  • 2 teaspoons of honey, 50 grams, as honey has numerous antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, as shown in this study published in the Jundishapur journal of natural pharmaceutical products .

    How do you prepare

    First, strain the onion and chop it into large chunks. Then add the product to the blender along with the honey. Finally, blend the mixture well. consume three tablespoons of this mixture a day.

    Recipe n ° 2 against imbalances in the voice


    • 1 glass of water, 200 ml.
    • Lemon juice. One piece of fruit is enough, as lemon has enormous properties and health benefits, as this research from the Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis points out.

    How do you prepare

    First boil the water and let it warm. Then pour in the lemon juice. It is recommended to gargle twice a day.

    Recipe N ° 3 against imbalances in the voice


    • 1 cup of water, 250 ml.
    • 1 tablespoon of salt, 10 grams.

      How do you prepare

      Heat the water first and dissolve the salt. Afterwards, gargle before it cools completely. It is advisable to repeat the process several times a day with new water.

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