Banana, Coconut And Goji Berry Cookies

Banana cookies are healthy for everyone, regardless of age and eating habits. They are made with ingredients that have a proper nutritional balance and that, together, balance perfectly. In fact, people with gluten intolerance can also enjoy them without any concern.

A medium-sized banana has approximately five and a half grams of fructose. For this reason, fructose is not only tasty and even addictive, but it also provides energy quickly when ingested.

Thus, the fructose contained in the banana provides a flavor sweet enough to dispense with the addition of sweeteners in our recipes. Of course, it is not forbidden to give it a touch of honey if we wish. Everything will depend on our taste.

Banana, coconut and goji berry cookies

On the other hand, it should be noted that the recipe for banana cookies that we are going to present you below includes exclusively products of plant origin, so it is suitable for vegetarians and vegans. In addition, even if we want to add chocolate, if we use a dark type (that is, with a high percentage of cocoa) that does not include milk, it will still be suitable.

In this recipe, we will use blueberries or goji berries, which are the fruit of a plant that is related to tomato and that grows specifically in the Tibetan Himalayas. It is a food rich in antioxidants, vitamins and other nutrients beneficial to health.

In case we do not get these berries in our trusted supermarket, we can prepare the recipe with blueberries.


Regarding the flours that we will use in this preparation, it is necessary to clarify that it is not mandatory to use 2 cups of brown rice flour and 1 of amaranth. You can include 3 cups of brown rice flour and do without the amaranth flour.

However, if we decide to use it, it will always be necessary to combine it with another type of flour. This way, the dough can acquire the appropriate consistency.


  • ½ tablespoon of salt (5 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of almonds (30 g)
  • 1 cup of grated coconut (80 g)
  • 3 tablespoons of goji berries (45 g)
  • 3 medium bananas
  • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil (30 g)
  • 1 cup of amaranth flour (100 g)
  • 2 cups of brown rice flour (200 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of flax seeds (15 g)
  • Optional: cinnamon, honey, vanilla essence, raisins.


  1. First of all, it is necessary to preheat the oven to a temperature of 180 ºC.
  2. Apart, we peel and cut the bananas into small pieces. Next, we crush them with a fork or spoon until we obtain a kind of puree.
  3. Meanwhile, we place the amaranth and brown rice flour in a bowl. Mix with a spoon and proceed to add the other ingredients, one by one, except for the coconut oil and the goji berries. Next, we stir again with the spoon to integrate everything.
  4. We leave a space in the center of the bowl and pour the coconut oil there. Then we mix all the ingredients with the help of a hand mixer at low speed for a couple of minutes.
  5. Once we have a homogeneous dough with some flexibility, add the goji berries and reserve.
  6. We place parchment paper on a tray and pour the cookie dough there. Be careful not to pour too much dough so that the cookies are not excessively thick later.
  7. We take the tray to the oven for 25 minutes. We will know that the cookies are ready because they will be well browned and will give off a very pleasant aroma.
  8. Once the cooking time has elapsed, we turn off the oven, remove the tray and let it cool down to room temperature.
  9. Finally, we remove the cookies from the greaseproof paper and serve.


Final cookie decoration

We can decorate the cookies with a little coconut zest, a pinch of sesame seeds or some sliced ​​almonds. It also admits a small slice of some fruit (such as strawberry, for example).

On the other hand, the best companion for this recipe for banana cookies would be a little natural yogurt. It can also be enjoyed with a rich tea, a cup of coffee or a fruit smoothie.

Actually, we set the guidelines according to the type of breakfast or snack that we want to make.

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