Caffeine-induced Disorders

Caffeine-induced disorders can often go unnoticed, as caffeine is a widely accepted and widely used substance.

Also, this is the most widespread drug in the world. It is found in a wide variety of products, such as coffee, tea, soft drinks, pain relievers, chocolate, and a variety of food products and energy drinks.

In other words, it is so integrated in the market and in collective customs and routines that it is often difficult to detect its consequences. Thus, it is the case of those who depend on caffeine, to the point of experiencing withdrawal syndrome and being unable to reduce their consumption.

These circumstances are often problematic and represent some of the consequences of excessive intake. If you are interested, keep reading. We will tell you what this kind of disorder consists of.

What do we know about caffeine?

Caffeine is the most consumed psychoactive substance in the world:

  • It is a water-soluble alkaloid from the group of xanthines (chemical substances produced by the body itself, such as uric acid).
  • It has a stimulating metabolic and central nervous system (CNS) effect.
  • Its oral bioavailability is 100%, being absorbed in the proximal intestine and in the stomach in the first 45 minutes.
  • However, peak plasma concentrations are observed between 30 and 180 minutes.
  • Its elimination occurs mainly through the kidneys through the urine.

On the other hand, the half-life of caffeine ranges between 4 and 9 hours and is conditioned by several factors such as:

  • Age.
  • Liver (or liver) function.
  • The pregnancy.
  • Smoking.
  • Certain drugs.

    Caffeine-induced disorders

    To get an idea of ​​the amounts of caffeine we consume, it is worth bearing in mind that, depending on its purity, a 150 ml cup of coffee contains 64 to 124 mg of this substance.

    For its part, it should be considered that when its intake is greater than 400 milligrams per day, adverse effects such as the following are possible :

    • Intoxication.
    • A greater predisposition to anxiety.
    • Sleep disturbances.
    • Dependence and withdrawal syndrome.

    Caffeine-Induced Disorders: Intoxication

    High doses of caffeine can cause intoxication. This condition is known as caffeinism and leads to an activation of the dopaminergic system (circuit of the central nervous system in which this neurotransmitter acts).

    Its most characteristic signs include:

    • Cardiovascular disorders such as hypertension (increased blood pressure) or tachycardia (increased heart rate).
    • Sweating, nausea, or vomiting
    • Increased diuresis (urine secretion).
    • Muscle contractions
    • Risk of death when more than 10 grams are consumed.

    Caffeine-Induced Disorders: Anxiety and Insomnia Symptoms

    It is possible that during the period of intoxication or in the period of withdrawal, which is explained later, certain symptoms of anxiety are present.

    anxiety like caffeine-induced disorders

    In addition, there is evidence that adolescents who continuously drink high amounts of caffeine are more vulnerable to anxiety disorders as adults. This is pointed out by a study carried out by a group of researchers from the University of Colorado (United States).

    As suggested by the same authors, this effect is explained by the imbalance that this substance causes on the stress response in the body. By increasing the release of certain neurotransmitters, brain activity is altered, which also causes symptoms such as:

    • Restlessness, nervousness, and tremors.
    • Muscle spasms.
    • Tortuous or confused speech.
    • Headache.
    • Insomnia or difficulty falling asleep.

    Dependence and withdrawal syndrome

    People who feel unable to cut down on excessive caffeine consumption may develop a dependence on it.

    In turn, the withdrawal syndrome that follows the cessation or reduction of the consumption of this substance manifests itself with some unpleasant consequences such as nausea, vomiting, sadness, drowsiness or fatigue.

    What to think of these caffeine-induced disorders?

    As we can see, the high and constant intake of this substance is associated with various alterations that put one’s health at risk.

    It is true that sometimes it is difficult to escape a few cups of coffee or some energy products that also incorporate caffeine among their ingredients.

    However, to the extent that we are aware of certain limits, we can anticipate these unwanted effects.

    So if you are one of those addicted to stimulant products, knowing that these disorders are possible may help you reflect. Will you tell us?

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