Can Warts Be Removed With This Garlic And Lemon Treatment?

Not all warts can be removed in the same way. Depending on the case, the dermatologist must present specific treatment options.

When it comes to removing warts from the skin, it is best to go to the dermatologist and evaluate the treatment options proposed by the professional.

It should be noted that, depending on the case, the treatment options will be one or the other. Therefore, it is important that a professional carefully examine the affected area.

For example, for common warts, the application of salicylic acid is usually indicated; while for filiforms, excision with a scalpel or liquid nitrogen is usually recommended.

Warts: lesions caused by HPV

Before telling you more about the home remedy for warts, we will review some information that we must take into account when considering which is the best treatment option.

Warts are caused by infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV), of which there are about 70 subtypes.

HPV suddenly accelerates the growth of cells. Over the days, it gives rise to painless (and benign) growths that spread very easily.

Although its presence does not represent a serious health problem, it is a sign of a weakened immune system. On the other hand, it should be noted that they are usually considered an aesthetic problem.

Garlic, a commonly used food, and antibiotic?

Garlic is not an antibiotic food.

Although antibiotic and antimicrobial properties were attributed to it, given its allicin content, the investigations made it possible to verify that in order to take advantage of these properties, certain conditions must be met in the laboratory.

For this reason, when placing garlic on a wart to eliminate it, we will not achieve the desired effect. On the other hand, we can notice itching and, depending on our skin type, we can even experience irritation.

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Lemon, a fruit rich in vitamin C and antibiotics?

According to popular beliefs, the citric acid in lemon juice could make this fruit act as a kind of ‘natural antibiotic’. In turn, it is believed that its nutrients (among them, vitamin C) would help regulate the pH of the skin and thus, correct alterations in it, such as warts.

Although this fruit is acidic and rich in vitamin C, this does not mean that it acts as an antimicrobial or that it can make any specific contribution to the health of the skin when applied directly to it.

What is proven is that its consumption, within a balanced diet , can help provide the body with part of the nutrients it needs, but ultimately, its topical use does not help to treat skin issues, such as warts.

Garlic and lemon treatment to remove warts

Garlic and lemon treatment to remove warts.


  • 1 clove of fresh garlic.
  • 1 Band-Aid or Band-Aid.
  • The juice of ½ lemon.

Preparation and application

  • Crush the garlic clove until you get a thick paste
  • Then mix it with the lemon juice.
  • Wait a couple of minutes for both ingredients to react.
  • Apply them on warts directly.
  • Make sure to completely cover the affected area with the plaster so it works overnight.
  • The next day, rinse with plenty of water and dry the skin well.
  • Apply every night until the wart is gone.

Important Recommendations

For no reason try to remove the wart by force with your hands or any instrument. This could cause injuries and infections greater than the cosmetic discomfort of a simple wart.

To avoid the spread of warts, avoid reusing supplies that have been in direct contact with them (cotton, gauze, plasters, towels, etc.). And if reuse is strictly necessary, make sure to at least disinfect them properly first.

Who determines the most suitable method?

To determine which is the most appropriate method to remove warts, the dermatologist should review the area well.

According to the MSD Manual, there are no firm indications for the treatment of warts, therefore it will all depend on the case. He also notes that salicylic acid is the most commonly used topical agent.

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