Can You Reduce Varicose Veins With Green And Red Tomatoes?

Although it is clear that they can be prevented , it is common to hear people wonder if it would be possible to reduce varicose veins. And then, it is also common to hear proposals for home remedies and natural treatments supposedly to help achieve this goal.

One of the remedies that has been proposed to treat or reduce chickenpox is the application of green and red tomato masks on the skin. Supposedly, tomato seeds would have anticoagulant properties that would improve blood flow and, therefore, its topical application would help reduce the discomfort of varicose veins.

Although this may sound simple and, above all, promising, varicose veins can NOT be reduced by applying masks, creams or any other product. 

Treatment of varicose veins

The experts of the MSD Manual indicate that, although varicose veins have no cure, it is possible to mitigate the symptoms they produce by practicing some measures, such as:

  • Wear compression stockings.
  • Put your feet up for a few minutes, every day or as many times as possible.

On the other hand, experts from the University of Navarra Clinic explain that: “the treatment of varicose veins  consists of eliminating the veins that work badly  so that the blood returns through those that work well and thus improve venous circulation” .

Depending on the case, the doctor may suggest a certain type of treatment or another,  the use of sclerotherapy (injections into the veins), laser therapy (laser therapy) or surgery (removal of the veins).

In patients with venous and lymphatic insufficiency or vascular malformations, sclerotherapy treatment with polidocanol microfoam could be suggested.

In addition to what the doctor indicates, it will be essential that the patient tries to adopt and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Daily exercise and a good diet will be great allies at all times and it is convenient to make the most of them

Recommendations to prevent or relieve varicose veins

There are several simple measures that can be taken to both relieve and prevent varicose veins. One of the most effective is the daily practice of physical activity, as we mentioned earlier, because it favors good circulation and therefore minimizes discomfort.

A balanced diet can also offer a lot to health. In it, the following nutrients that we are going to indicate should not be missing.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids

This type of healthy fat is not produced by the body, so it must be absorbed through the diet. This nutrient maintains the elasticity of the veins and also has an anti-inflammatory action. Additionally it influences the improvement of blood flow.

Recommended foods include:

  • Seafood
  • Nuts
  • Flax seeds
  • Sunflower and olive oil
  • Fish (salmon, sardine and cod)


Selenium is a nutrient that prevents the hardening of the main tissues of the body and maintains the flexibility of the arterial walls. It is useful to reduce varicose veins if we include certain foods in our diet.

It can be found at:

  • Cucumber
  • Eggs
  • Nuts
  • Mushrooms
  • Beer yeast

Vitamin E

dairy products

This main nutrient cannot be lacking in the diet since it fulfills the function of improving circulation and oxygenation of the blood, which in turn prevents the formation of clots. It is present in:

  • Dairy products
  • Asparagus
  • Nuts
  • White meats
  • Whole grains
  • Coconut and olive oil

Although varicose veins cannot be cured or treated with green and red tomatoes, there are several treatment options that have proven to be effective. If you have questions about which one may be the most suitable for you, consult a phlebologist.

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