Collagen, The Healthy Protein For Your Joints

Walking, climbing a ladder, laughing out loud, holding our children in our arms… Each of these activities requires the presence of a key and essential protein : collagen.

When we talk about this, the first thing that comes to mind is the need to provide our skin with a good cream rich in collagen to face the first signs of aging.

However, Its impact on our day-to-day life is such that we forget something basic and that should be taken into account: collagen is one of the most important proteins in our body.

A good level of this protein in our body allows us to have stronger collagen fibers.

Consequently, we will achieve more resistant tissues that will confer strength, resistance and health to our joints, our bones, skin, muscles and tendons.

On the other hand, it should be noted that we have several options when it comes to covering our collagen deficits.

One of them is, without a doubt, helping us with adequate food supplements. This becomes essential once we reach our 30s, a time when levels begin to drop …

Collagen, the protein of life and movement

to walk barefoot

Almost without knowing how, that day arrives: as we climb the stairs we feel a prick in the knee. One afternoon, the wrist joint fails, it is more difficult for us to lift weights, to write on the computer … Even the simple change of time seems to leave its mark of pain in the hip or in one shoulder.

The gradual loss of collagen is normal, but not totally irreversible. Likewise, it should be remembered that there are several factors that can accelerate this loss:

  • Menopause
  • The overweight
  • A bad diet
  • A job that involves always doing the same movements
  • Being a sportsman or athlete

Hormonal factors, age and our lifestyle habits take away, little by little and without our realizing it, force the engine of our life, health in our day to day and, what is worse, the pain begins to act. presence.

Is it possible to strengthen the joints?

joint pain and collagen for its treatment

There are those who give it up for lost. ” They are things of the age, what can you do, everything hurts and my joints are not the same as before …”

Far from assuming this defeatist attitude, it is important to be clear about a simple aspect: we agree that we will not be able to return to the collagen level of a young person.

However, we can recover part of this protein to have a better quality of life.

How? Well, there is no single approach. In reality, assuming a series of changes in our daily lives can begin to generate wonderful results in our well-being:

  • Eat a healthy and balanced diet, including products rich in vitamin C, minerals such as sulfur, as well as foods that contain lysine, a type of amino acid.
  • Moderate exercise is also very suitable.
  • Prevent overweight.

Finally, we have at our disposal a simple and effective option: food supplements.

These are an excellent way to provide the body with the necessary nutrients to prevent joint wear.

Thus, they help us to regenerate, reduce pain, recover from injuries and improve mobility.

Why take collagen supplements?

While we know that collagen supplements can be key to keeping connective tissues in optimal condition, it is important to mention that it also has other important health benefits.

Among this, it is worth mentioning that they help to:

  • Improve skin health.
  • Prevent bone loss.
  • Increase muscle mass.
  • Improve heart health.
  • Strengthen hair and nails.
  • Improve cognitive health.

Flex provides you with the essential nutrients to take care of your joints

From now on, taking our body to where our mind wants is not going to be a problem.

Preventing and treating joint wear is within our reach thanks to this nutritional supplement: Vanir Flex.

Only one sachet a day is enough, it has a fruity flavor and will allow us, little by little, to reduce those discomforts associated with wear and tear and the gradual loss of collagen.

Flex provides us with the following essential nutrients:

  • Collagen, glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, and hyaluronic acid . All of them are endogenous substances that are part of the cartilage and synovial fluid that lubricates the joints.
  • Hydrolyzed collagen, for its part, promotes cartilage metabolism, while stimulating the synthesis of extracellular matrix.

According to various clinical studies, hydrolyzed collagen improves the symptoms of osteoarthritis.

It helps us to reduce pain and stiffness of the joints and improves their function and, therefore, our quality of life.

Who is it for?

Flex is a product indicated for both men and women with joint ailments, as well as for the elderly, athletes, injured or for people who tend to suffer from overload.

We are facing an exceptional resource that provides us with the basic nutrients so that we can move with life.

We will get our body to respond and be in harmony with our mind. What more can we ask for?

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