Coriander Properties That You May Not Have Known

Although its consumption is considered safe, side effects can arise from excessive or continued consumption. In addition, in the case of suffering any medical condition, it is essential to consult with your doctor before starting to take it.

Coriander, whose scientific name is Coriandrum sativum , has an unknown origin as yet. However, some research indicates that this traditional plant may come from North Africa.

This plant is grown annually in large quantities, so it is available at all times of the year. It has spiky stems, also characterized by its size that varies from 40 to 60 cm and its leaves have compound structures.

Coriander is used as a flavoring spice in gastronomy around the world. However, some regions such as Southeast Asia and Latin America have adopted this plant in many of their preparations.

All its parts are completely edible, however, its leaves are the most used, as they have a strong flavor that marinates food. We can consume it in various ways. The most common is the intake of its leaves, but you can also prepare infusions with them.


Nutritional contribution of coriander

Healing properties are attributed to this plant, used in alternative medicine. This is because it is rich in oils that stimulate the health of the digestive system, facilitating its normal processes.

It is effective when it comes to combating the lack of appetite due to digestive diseases or in the case of presenting an imbalance in the normal pH of the stomach walls.

Coriander provides a very interesting nutritional contribution. This is because it is also a rich source of vitamins that benefit the body, such as A, B, C, E and K. Also, this plant has large deposits of minerals such as potassium and iron.

Contribution per 100 grams consumed

  • Vitamin A: 0.123 mg.
  • Vitamin B1: 0.239 mg.
  • Vitamin B2: 0.290 mg.
  • Vitamin B3: 2,130 mg.
  • Vitamin C: 21 mg.
  • Calcium: 709 mg.
  • Iron: 16.32 mg.
  • Magnesium: 330 mg.
  • Phosphorus: 409 mg.
  • Potassium: 1,267 mg.
  • Sodium: 35 mg.
  • Zinc: 4.70 mg.

Coriander properties

Although coriander is attributed some properties, it is not advisable to use it as a substitute for medications for the treatment of diseases. It is best to consult with your doctor about its use as a supplement, as in some cases it may have contraindications.

One property of coriander is that it could be effective as a complement to treatment for people poisoned by the consumption of metals that are commonly deposited in water contaminated by industries, these cases occur very often in countries with high industrialization rates.

The chemical elements present in the plant could be fixed to the metallic particles, thus benefiting and accelerating the detoxification process, which facilitates their evacuation.

benefits of coriander

Other incredible properties of coriander

  • It works as a cooling agent, being used to combat bad breath.
  • Make present the need for sleep. Thus, a coriander drink before going to sleep will provide a deeper rest, thanks to this the body recovers its energies.
  • Its oils are widely used in the industries for the elaboration of body lotions, since they have outstanding aromatic notes, very striking to elaborate essences.
  • Coriander has relaxing properties. Thus, it can be used as a complement to antispasmodic treatments, it could improve intestinal transit.
  • The elements contained in the plant have antibiotic and antibacterial qualities, so it can be used in the treatment of wounds, benefiting their hygiene and recovery.

Although its consumption is considered safe, side effects may arise from excessive or continued consumption. In addition, in the case of suffering any medical condition, it is essential to consult with your doctor before starting to take it.

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