Denial In Addiction

Denial in addiction is one of the most common characteristics in people who suffer from this problem. In fact, many times it is necessary for the family, friends and partner to pressure the addict for help, since he considers that nothing bad happens to him.

This process, although very frustrating, has a positive side: once the patient discovers their situation and accepts it, they will be ready to begin the rehabilitation process.

It is important to emphasize that being an addict does not have to be related to drug use. There are people with problems related to job abuse, gambling or food intake. 

Therefore, we are going to delve into the subject and rescue some basic aspects.

The forms of denial in addiction

Denial patient in addiction

Denial in addiction takes different expressions, it is not only the mechanism of the lie about reality. We can assure that it is much more complex than we imagine  and that is why dealing with dependencies is so difficult.

Among the forms of negation we have the following:

  • Simple negation: it is the modality that we most easily identify. It consists of denying the existence of the negative consequences that addiction has on daily life.
  • Justification: by justifying, the addict finds an argumentative explanation for the addiction. Based on facts or situations, he convinces himself that dependency is the only way.
  • Rationalization: hand in hand with justification, it consists in giving arguments to the dependency that make it logical, when it is not.
  • Minimization: it is basically downplaying the negative consequences of addiction, as if they do not have the real impact that they do.
  • Futurization: it is the denial of escape. The addict sees the future as a way not to think or analyze the present. Leave for a tomorrow that the possibility of escaping addiction will never come.
  • Projection: This form of denial in addiction is well explained in psychological science. To project is to attribute negative issues that are our own to a third party. We transfer the problem to another being our problem.

Denial in the family

It is not only the addict who suffers from the denial mechanism. Many times it is the family and inner circle of the addict who go through a period of denial of reality. This makes it even more difficult to face treatment.

Every family with an addict in its midst becomes dysfunctional. Family balance is altered and roles are broken with the risk of the containment net being undone, according to this study carried out by a team from the University of Costa Rica .

Dysfunctional processes are thus generated where relatives, perhaps because they do not understand the disease of dependency, love and hate at the same time. In the midst of this confusion, communication is cut off and what should be spoken is not spoken.

Approach to denial in addiction

Approach to denial in addiction

Denial in addiction is not only present prior to a detox treatment, but  it lasts for most of the addict’s life, like a ghost that haunts him.

Sometimes the passage of time and the spiral of negative consequences lead the addict to recognize his problem. These are extreme situations that can result in a late approach.

To avoid reaching these extremes, there are alternatives:

  • Psychotherapy : Psychotherapy sessions are part of the accompanying detoxification process. Psychologists have tools to try to reverse denial.
  • Behavior Log : For addicts who have already started a detox, a journal can be helpful. In it they reflect everyday situations and then analyze where the denial appeared.
  • Health education : talks, brochures, advertisements, events that visualize the problem of addiction can awaken in people the need to rethink their behaviors. That reframing can be the first step out of denial.

Hiding is never the solution

Many times, the addict feels fear and takes refuge in denial to avoid facing a certain situation. His self-esteem is damaged and he believes that escaping from reality everything will improve. However, this is not true.

The most important thing to help these people is support. We must give them all the understanding, respect and support that we can give them. It will be hard, but it is possible to recover and overcome the problem, as long as the patient does his part and has the necessary tools.

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