Discover The Benefits Of Seaweed For Hypothyroidism

In addition to helping us regulate our cardiovascular system, seaweed is also very useful if we want to lower our cholesterol or lose weight.

Hypothyroidism is a disease that mainly affects women over 50, but it can also appear after childbirth. Do you know the benefits of seaweed for hypothyroidism?

In this article we explain how seaweed can help you for hypothyroidism thanks to its content of iodine and other minerals. We will also give you some tips so that you discover how easy it is to cook them.

What is hypothyroidism?

Hypothyroidism is a disease suffered by 3% of the population. Those who suffer from this disease have decreased levels of thyroid hormones in the blood plasma.

The most common symptoms are as follows, according to the US National Library of Medicine:

  • Depression.
  • Very dry skin
  • Hair loss.
  • Feeling cold
  • Muscular weakness.
  • Fluid retention.
  • Tiredness and exhaustion.
  • Pale or yellowish face
  • Double chin in thin people.
  • Weight gain and loss without apparent cause.
  • Lack of hair on the outer ends of the eyebrows.

What could be the causes?

The most common causes of this disease could be associated with the following:

  • Congenital defects.
  • Lithium treatments.
  • Antithyroid medication.
  • Chronic iodine deficiency.
  • Different types of thyroiditis.
  • Radiation therapies to the neck.

So, Seaweed for hypothyroidism?

wakame seaweed

Seaweed is still quite unknown in the gastronomic world, despite being a medicinal food that allows multiple uses in our dishes.

Adding seaweed to our dishes is much simpler than it seems and can give an original touch to the recipes of each day.

Thanks to Japanese cuisine, seaweed has been introduced in our kitchens.

The vegetarian and macrobiotic diet also propose adding them to our menus to considerably increase the amount of minerals, including iodine, which is very deficient in those with hypothyroidism.

Before moving on to the recommendations, it is very important to note that algae should always be ecological or with the guarantee that they do not contain toxic substances.

In the same way, this study carried out by the Hospital la Seu d’Urgell (Spain), emphasizes the need for caution. An increase in the normal intake of algae, in the long term, could be counterproductive.

How to use algae?

sushi food Michael Kappel

Each seaweed has different instructions for use according to its characteristics. The thinner ones only have to be soaked for a few minutes, while the thicker ones should be cooked for up to 30 or 40 minutes.

Here are some suggestions:

  • Nori : This seaweed is used in very thin slices to make sushi. It is enough to moisten it and use it to roll the rice or the filling of your choice.
  • Kombu : A small piece of kombu in our vegetable stews will make them soften more easily and improve digestion.
  • Wakame : If we add a little wakame to the cooking of the vegetable cream, it will add creaminess when beating it, so it can replace the potato or cheese.
  • Sea spaghetti : Ideal to accompany pasta or rice dishes.
  • Dulse : It requires almost no cooking, so it is very suitable for quick soups, sauces and vinaigrettes or salads.

On the other hand, there are two very beneficial algae, which we recommend consuming in supplement form:

  • Fucus.
  • Spirulina

Of course, we will always take them under medical supervision.

Seaweed salt

Jacqueline wakame seaweed

Another option to consume seaweed daily is to prepare ourselves a salt with seaweed, which will enhance the flavor of the dishes.

  • To make it, we must grind sea salt and the algae of our choice, mix it all together and store it tightly closed in a glass jar. We can also add aromatic plants.
  • The salt will act as a preservative.

We can use it in the same way as normal salt when cooking soups, stews, etc. Of course, it should only be used very occasionally.

Foods to avoid

In parallel with the consumption of algae for hypothyroidism, we must limit or avoid the consumption of those foods that, although for many people are healthy, for those who suffer from this disease are not so, since they block the absorption of iodine :

  • Soy.
  • Lime.
  • Bean.
  • Spinach.
  • Peach.
  • Crucifers: Cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, and cabbage.

All kinds of processed and refined foods are also very harmful. In the same way, we should consult with our doctor first.

Images courtesy of Jacqueline and Michael Kappel.

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