Discover The Incredible Benefits That Massages Bring Us

Many of us know some benefits that massages bring us. However, in addition to helping us reduce muscle pain or relax, there are other advantages that are not usually discussed. Perhaps, because for many they are unknown.

Massages are not only a moment of pleasure in order to release tension and enjoy a day of total relaxation. The different techniques that are used to give them can be very therapeutic. Today we will discover some of the incredible benefits that massages bring us that until now we did not know.

They help our lymphatic system

Benefits that massages bring us

The lymphatic system is part of the circulatory system so acting on it will provide us with important benefits. Among them are the improvement of blood circulation, the reduction of inflammation in certain areas of our body, as well as the relief of the discomfort caused by varicose veins.

There are massages that already have the name “lymphatic massage” in their name. These, in addition to everything mentioned, can help us achieve another series of benefits that we can consider more aesthetic:

  • Reduces cellulite: The use of this type of massage helps reduce cellulite that can affect various areas of our body. However, success will depend on the type of cellulite we have.
  • Helps to eliminate body fat: Cellulite occurs due to a completely unnecessary localized fat accumulation. This type of massage allows these areas to drain, favoring their elimination.
  • Improves the appearance of the skin: When the two previous problems improve, the lymphatic massage in a natural way will allow us to see how our skin is much better. It will look smoother, firmer and with a better texture.

They stimulate the glandular system

Another benefit that massages bring us is that they stimulate the glandular system, that is, the endocrine system. Our body secretes certain hormones. But in what way can massages help us in this regard?

  • Stimulates the thyroid: If we suffer from hypothyroidism, this means that this gland has a decrease in the secretion of hormones. Massages can help regulate this.
  • Combat premenstrual syndrome: during PMS there are alterations in different hormones that cause mood swings, irritability or sadness. Massages can stimulate, for example, the production of progesterone that decreases at these times of the cycle to combat these symptoms.

They improve the quality of sleep

Woman getting relaxing massage

Many people sleep poorly due to stress, some type of chronic pain or even due to the stiffness they may have after an exercise session. Massages deal with these types of problems, so its resolution will have a positive impact on the quality of sleep.

In addition, when we undergo a massage session our body relaxes in such a way that it is ready for a good rest. If we usually have sleep problems, giving us a massage from time to time can come in handy.

They help eliminate toxins from the body

The last of the incredible benefits that massages bring us is that they help us eliminate toxins from our body and our organism. When we harbor too many we can suffer from bad breath, weight gain or constipation.

The body eliminates toxins through the liver, sweat glands, kidneys … However, if it is difficult to achieve it, massage can help to achieve it. What advantages can we get from this?

  • Helps us lose weight: Purifying toxins from the body helps us eliminate waste that accumulates due to unbalanced diets or excess sugar and fat.
  • Helps to have better health: Excess toxins can cause the organs not to be able to eliminate them, leading to problems with uric acid and blood pressure.

As you have seen, the benefits that massages bring us go far beyond freeing us from muscular tension and stress. A massage from time to time seriously benefits our health.

Have you ever given yourself a massage session? When was the last time? Today we have a great variety, so try a new one, it will surprise you!

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