Garlic, Apple Cider Vinegar And Honey Remedy For Sore Throat

When it comes to relieving the discomfort of a sore throat, there are some natural remedies that can be of great help. One of them is the mixture of garlic, apple cider vinegar and honey, three ingredients with excellent properties. Next, we will tell you more about them in detail, among other aspects of your interest.

It is important to remember that no remedy can replace the drugs prescribed by the doctor, therefore, it is not recommended to use them as the main treatment.

On the other hand, it is essential to maintain good lifestyle habits, especially with regard to nutrition and hydration. A good diet can enhance the effects of both remedies and medications. In addition, it helps the body to nourish itself and regain the strength it needs to fulfill all its functions.

After all, we must not forget that good lifestyle habits can prevent many diseases or reduce their impact. Hence the importance of being aware and being responsible with our health.

Garlic, honey and apple cider vinegar

There are generally three ingredients present in most kitchens: garlic, honey, and apple cider vinegar. Three foods that, when combined, can make up a home remedy to treat a sore throat. 

Considered the best natural antibiotic, honey is included in various recipes for home remedies to relieve symptoms of colds and flu. On the other hand, it has been used topically to improve the healing process of recent wounds.

For its part, garlic is another food that is attributed antiseptic properties, which are believed to help combat infectious agents (fungi, viruses and bacteria). In this sense, it is often affirmed that if it is consumed raw, its compounds do not suffer alterations and, therefore, it is possible to take better advantage of its properties.

As for apple cider vinegar, it is also attributed antiviral, antibacterial and fungicidal properties, since it contains malic acid and potassium, a mineral essential for the function of all living cells.

A good remedy for a sore throat

The combination of garlic, honey and apple cider vinegar as a home remedy for a sore throat is very common. However, it must always be borne in mind that its use should never replace the pharmacological treatment prescribed by the doctor. 


  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 1/2 cup of honey.
  • 1 glass of apple cider vinegar (250 ml).


  • In a glass jar, add all the ingredients.
  • Cover well and proceed to shake vigorously for a few seconds to mix everything.
  • It is recommended to take a tablespoon between meals or when you feel severe pain.
  • The remedy must be kept in the bottle, with a lid.

Note : It is recommended to prepare the remedy and consume it within 5 days so that it does not lose its properties, so it can be effective for a sore throat.

Woman holding a drink to cure a sore throat.

Some considerations

When it comes to consuming this garlic, honey, and apple cider vinegar remedy for a sore throat, it is said that two tablespoons can be taken after each meal and before bed. In case the flavor is too strong, it could be diluted in a little water.

A variant of this remedy is to replace the garlic with grated fresh ginger. However, the flavor will change a bit, as ginger has a somewhat spicy and pungent taste at the same time.

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