Getting Away From People Who Don’t Deserve Us Is Healthy

There are people who do not deserve us. Realizing this, as curious as it may seem, is also an exercise in health and well-being.

Something in which we always invest time and effort is to be accepted by the people around us; that is, we seek to be worthy of the admiration of others, of friendship, affection and affection. Now, to focus our existence under this psychological parameter is a mistake.

Relationships must be perfect dynamics, in terms of investments and profits for both parties. The “I offer you so much and you give me so much” is not an act of selfishness, but of reciprocity. Actually, it is very simple: if I offer you respect and affection, I also deserve the same .

Realizing this will help us a lot in our relationships. We will reflect more on this topic below.

People who don’t spend time with us don’t deserve us


We know that if there is something that we are missing at the end of the day, it is time. Now, when we have it, we know what to invest it in: in those who matter most to us.

If someone very close to us does not practice this “good work” with our person, it is simply because they do not value us as we deserve.

On the other hand, if we talked about the principle of reciprocity before, it should be remembered that this practice does not exclude ourselves. If we love someone, let’s prove it by dedicating time to them and, at the same time, let’s ensure that those moments are of quality. If you don’t, the other person is likely to start distancing themselves.

The importance of “knowing how to be”

It is not the same to look than to see, as it is not the same to hear and listen. In this sense, we must be able to develop a closer depth when establishing healthy relationships, we must learn “to see and listen” with the heart.

There are couples who get used to the simple presence of the other like someone who has a piece of furniture next to them. They listen to their voices and  see their figures but they do not notice their sadness nor are they participants in their personal universes.

Healthy and enriching communication is one where you speak and listen, where there is empathy and that real interest in  decoding everything that is, sometimes, beyond simple words.

Respect is essential

couple conflicts

Whoever occupies our spaces leaving us aside, violating our values, ridiculing our actions and words does not deserve us. Unfortunately there are people like that, who blur personalities and nullify identities.

We speak, for example, of those parents determined to control their children to the extreme, of those toxic partners who dominate their loved ones, or even those company managers who confuse leadership with oppression.

Let’s avoid these types of dynamics and set healthy limits. Let us take care that nothing and no one breaks the beautiful fabric of our self-esteem.

Selfishness does not lead to success

Nobody forces us to have details with others, to do favors, to dedicate time to them and those altruistic acts that simply come from our hearts, without expecting anything in return.

However, there are those who take this as a right. There are those who think that this nobility is a rope to hold on to to weave their own interests and for that reason, they do not hesitate to suddenly become demanding, to demand things from us that, in the end, end up making us uncomfortable.

If we feel this way or we notice that someone practices the most refined selfishness by taking advantage of our good work, let’s not hesitate and put ourselves apart.

Lies repel

Lies and deceptions in the couple

The lies that hurt the most come from those we love the most. We are aware that lies or half truths are very common in our day to day. However, there is a threshold that we tolerate.

We accept those half-truths in which someone avoids being sincere because of what they will say or out of simple fear or shame. However, what few tolerate is the blatant lie, the one that camouflages hidden dimensions that directly affect our person.

If you are sure that someone is lying to you today, do not hesitate to talk to that person and ask the reason for that behavior. Depending on how you react and how you respond after the first warning, we will act.

Personal and emotional integrity must always be our priority, day by day. Let’s remember that we all have what we deserve. So let’s make sure that what surrounds us is beautiful, meaningful and enriching. Because we deserve everything.

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