Habits That Damage Our Intestines

The intestines are responsible for transporting food to the stomach, absorbing nutrients from it, and eliminating waste from the body. However, due to some bad habits, this process can be affected and cause inflammation, gas, abdominal pressure, among other discomforts.

The above does not only refer to the consumption of certain foods. Stomach problems, although many may not believe it, are also related to the states of anxiety and stress to which the body is subjected in the daily routine. Here are some practices that can harm our intestines.

What habits can damage our intestines?

There are many factors that affect the proper functioning of the intestines. These, sometimes, tend to lead to the well-known irritable bowel. What can we do to prevent it? What bad habits should we change to maintain good intestinal health? In the following list, we detail some useful tips for this purpose.

Avoid high levels of stress


Although we are used to dealing with day-to-day challenges, this advice should be taken very seriously. The rhythm of life we ​​lead: rush, worries, anxiety and stress, directly affect the health of the stomach and intestines. Hence, the importance of giving a certain balance and tranquility to our life.

On the above, a review published in the World Journal of Gastroenterology indicates that high levels of stress can be one of the causes for the development of irritable bowel syndrome. This is because this state of mind has a direct impact on the immune activation of the mucosa and the gastrointestinal microbiota.

On the other hand, it is very common for some people to overeat to alleviate nerves and anxiety, which causes an accumulation of food to digest that the intestines cannot cope with so quickly. Thus, digestion and absorption problems of food occur.

That is why a good idea to reduce the risk of suffering from these conditions is to practice some relaxation techniques, such as meditation or yoga. Also, breathing exercises can be included to help maintain a calmer and more conscious state.

Eliminate some foods from the diet

Burgers, French fries, oil-rich fried chicken, pizzas, and onion rings are foods that we all recognize as junk food. However, on many occasions we turn to them due to lack of time or simply because we like it.

But how many times has it happened to us that, for example, after a while after ingesting them, heartburn or flatulence appears? These foods have little soluble fiber, so when consumed in excess, they stimulate the intestinal tract and cause stomach discomfort.

Although the symptoms and triggers are different in each person, a National Health Services publication mentions that the best thing to do to avoid problems in the intestines is to cook homemade meals with fresh ingredients, whenever the occasion allows.

Reduce dairy consumption


Studies on dairy are not very clear as to its impact on the intestines. However, it is very common to find people in whom these products cause an increase in the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome or some stomach discomfort, such as gas and bloating.

In these cases, cow’s milk can be replaced by substitutes such as oat milk, rice, almonds or even pistachios. Although it is easy to find them in supermarkets, it is best to do it at home. Thus, we make sure that the ingredients are really natural.

Review the adverse effects of some medications

Medicines to stop smoking

Various problems in our intestines, such as, for example, the case of irritable bowel syndrome, would be related to the use of antibiotics. Apparently, prolonged use of this type of medicine directly affects the intestinal microbiota.

According to a publication by the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences , its frequent consumption can cause serious imbalances in our intestinal flora. This, because its nature is to eliminate all bacteria from the body, regardless of whether they are good or bad. Therefore, it is best to be cautious when ingesting them.

In addition to this, other medications could have the same effects. For example, the ones we use for constipation or diarrhea. Anyway, and to be more calm, the best thing is to always consult with the doctor and understand the side effects of the medications we take.

Finally, it is worth remembering that the intestines, as well as any organ in the body, require care to function properly. This is achieved through good habits, both eating and lifestyle. Try to put these tips into practice and you will notice the results.

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