How Does Diet Influence Arthritis Control?

We know that arthritis causes great pain, for this reason we bring you certain dietary recommendations that will significantly improve this ailment.

No one can deny that living with arthritis is one of the most complex situations out there. Although other conditions can cause greater problems with the naked eye, this is very painful. That is why seeking arthritis control is vital to ensuring you have a quality life.

One of the keys in this search is the diet you choose to eat. This time we will talk to you just about this topic.

Controlling arthritis with diet

In this article you will discover that there are foods that improve the body’s response to arthritis . You will see that by consuming certain foods, you avoid or reduce discomfort for longer. Although limiting yourself in diet can be annoying, it will bring you great benefits in the long run.

Fatty fish

The first of the foods that influences the control of arthritis are fish known as fatty. These provide omega 3 fatty acids that have anti-inflammatory effects .

Consuming this type of fish is effective in reducing the aches and pains of arthritis. In fact, there is a considerable reduction in markers that are related to inflammation and pain.

Tuna with onion.

Remember that these fish include:

  • Tuna.
  • Sardine.
  • Herring.
  • Mackerel.
  • Salmon.

As you can see, this list allows you to play around with the flavors quite a bit. The vast majority only think of salmon or tuna when talking about fatty fish. Therefore, after a couple of weeks you can end up bored of eating the same thing.

To avoid this, try to try several fish and prepare them in different ways. Thus, your palate will not be bored, your pocket will not suffer and you will get all the benefits.

Garlic for arthritis control

Second, another of the foods that helps in the control of arthritis is garlic.  Consistent garlic consumption can reduce inflammation-related markers,  according to an article published in the journal “Clinical Nutrition ESPEN.”

High amounts of these markers can accelerate the onset of arthritis and worsen its effects. To get the benefits, we recommend adding at least one garlic to your daily diet.

In case you don’t like its flavor, take advantage of it to flavor your sauces or soups . In this way you will not notice the flavor individually but the dishes will enhance their flavor.

Eat ginger

Second, another ingredient that will help you control arthritis is ginger, according to research conducted in 2016. 

Properties of ginger for the control of arthritis

What was done was to give a ginger extract to one group and a placebo to the other. After a few weeks, the patients who consumed the ginger had noticed a reduction in discomfort.

For this reason, We recommend consuming a piece of ginger a day . A good option may be to add it to your morning smoothies or vegetable soups. Also, remember that it is always better to choose the natural version before the processed one.


Without a doubt, it is the most difficult product to avoid in the control of arthritis. Although it is an unhealthy element for the body in general, we find it in all kinds of products. Also, sometimes we don’t even know it’s there.

In the specific case of arthritis, you should avoid sugar for the cytokines that it produces in the body. C When they are at high levels, they alter and worsen arthritis pain.

This is because the body’s vitamin D is reduced. Remember that one of the functions of this vitamin is to keep your bones healthy and avoid all kinds of discomfort in them.

Trans fat

Another ingredient that should be left out of your diet to promote arthritis control is trans fats. These increase the overall inflammation in your body and can lead to heart problems.

The best way to avoid them is by eating only fresh or homemade food. However, in the latter, you must make sure not to fry or cook them with too much fat.  And, if possible, choose steamed, baked or broth preparations.

Watch your diet to improve arthritis

Arthritis, like many other inflammatory diseases, presents an effective dietary treatment. To reduce its symptoms, it is enough to include foods with an anti-inflammatory nature in the diet, while reducing the presence of products that can aggravate these processes.

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