How To Create A Habit?

Like so many other people, you probably don’t know how to create a habit or have a hard time doing it. Therefore, although on more than one occasion you have wanted to propose to improve your health, achieve a professional goal or learn another language, among other achievements, you do not finish doing it.

Habits are important to achieve everything we want, except that, usually, “I don’t have time”, “I lack motivation”, “I don’t feel ready yet” and many other pretexts are preceded. Learn to beat them with these strategies!

What is a habit?

As we have mentioned, habits are really important in life, since they can guarantee success by guiding us towards the achievement of the goals we yearn for. A possible definition for this term is:

Although the same authors also point out that:

Woman meditating in her room

It is necessary to make the distinction between habit and custom, since these terms do not refer to the same thing. While a habit is the repetition of acts that do not necessarily have to be free or conscious, habits do imply decision-making by the person who decides to perform it.

That is, habits are acquired by choice and are carried out consciously. That is why current theories emphasize that habits are automated response dispositions that are based on context.”

This definition implies that habits are learned through a process in which memory plays a crucial role, through associative learning.

How can we create a habit?

It is important to mention that, according to a publication in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine , when habits are acquired from within the family, they are more likely to accompany the person for the rest of their life.

In some cases, children begin their healthy habits through imitation games of the behaviors of the older people in their environment.

However, knowing that a habit is learned, it is possible to start at any time in life to acquire it. Next, we will point out some keys so that you, too, learn to create a habit.

1. Think of something you want to achieve

Maybe you want to improve some aspect of your life, such as eating healthy, quitting addictions, starting your routine earlier, among others.

To create a habit, it is convenient to clarify what it is that you want to improve. From there, you can start making changes gradually, until they become habits.

Woman thinking how to create habits

2. Start by taking the first step

You don’t have to achieve big transformations the same day. For example, if your goal is to start jogging every morning, then jog for just five minutes on the first day, or a little longer. Don’t overexert yourself; you will progressively achieve it.

3. Plan your habits well

Avoid doing it in a vague way. For example “tomorrow I will jog”, say rather: “tomorrow at 6 AM I will wake up and jog for five minutes.” Be specific when considering habits.

4. Make a plan to create a habit

Remember that, when creating a new habit, excuses will come to your mind to return to your previous behavior, such as: “for a day nothing happens”, “later I will”, “today I am lazy”, among others. To avoid this, make a plan and have everything on hand for when the excuses come.

For example, if you want to enjoy the benefits of meditation, from the day before you can prepare the mat and leave the room ready. If you want to jog, have your sportswear ready from the night before. If necessary, mute your phone and avoid distractions so that your focus is greater.

5. Create alarms on your phone

These alarms must include the specific task. If it rings at 6 in the morning, let it notify you: “time to go jogging.” You can leave some notes in certain strategic points of the house – like the mirrors or the dining room – to remind you of your tasks.

Create alarms on the phone

6. Keep a record and observe

When you have your plan in place and are learning your new habit, you will see how good it feels and the difference you have made in your life. This will keep your motivation level higher.

Change your mindset to create a habit

Finally, remember that replacing old habits, or simply acquiring new ones, begins by eradicating some limiting beliefs. Some people hinder themselves by thinking and saying phrases like, “I am like this.”

This belief is very restrictive and can even deprive you of achieving great goals, so perhaps you should start by reviewing your belief system. If you do, you will find that the path to your new routine becomes much easier.

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