How To Eliminate Cellulite With A Healthy Diet

In addition to including diuretic and laxative foods in the diet, those that allow us to optimize the work of the lymphatic system to purify toxins are also important.

It is the nightmare of women, regardless of age, weight or physical build. All those who suffer from it want to eliminate cellulite. Although it is believed that only overweight people can have “orange peel”, the truth is that this problem also affects thin women.

In the following article we will tell you why it is important to follow a healthy diet to reduce or eliminate cellulite. In this way we will demolish one of the biggest myths in this regard, which states that you cannot end this fat accumulation.

Tips to eliminate cellulite with food

Diet and healthy skin go hand in hand. If you have noticed the first signs of cellulite or want to reduce those small gaps in your thighs and buttocks, it is essential that you follow these tips:

  • For one, drink 2 liters of water per day.
  • Also, eat foods high in fiber, potassium, and vitamin C.
  • It is necessary to eat a diet with protein and low in carbohydrates and fats.
  • On the other hand, do physical activity several times a week.
  • In turn, choose raw fruits and vegetables.
  • Lastly, limit your intake of salt, soda, and alcohol.

Keep in mind that prioritizing fresh foods and vegetables in your diet will not only help you fight cellulite, but it has also been shown to improve your health.

Example of an anti-cellulite diet

An eating plan to deal with cellulite also has other objectives, such as, for example, controlling the supply of carbohydrates, lipids and sugars that accumulate in the connective tissue.

In this anti-cellulite diet, unhealthy foods are restricted and it is estimated that up to 5 kg can be lost in two months without risk.

On a typical day this diet is made up of the following foods:

  • Breakfast: 1 cup of herbal tea (250 ml), two slices of whole wheat bread with skim cheese spread and a glass of orange juice (200 ml).
  • Mid-morning: an apple or a yogurt.
  • Food: Natural tuna salad, with tomato, celery, lettuce, carrot and onion.
  • Snack: a cup of tea (250 ml) with rice cakes spread with skimmed cream cheese.
  • Dinner: two baked hake fillets with a plate of green beans and a cooked potato.

This approach has a high fiber content. Thanks to this substance you can control your appetite, which reduces the risk of snacking on unhealthy foods between meals. This is evidenced by a study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition .

Foods that fight cellulite

If we want to deal with orange peel skin and, at the same time, improve overall health, we basically have to add four food groups to the diet.

The soft diet includes soups and juices.

1. Stimulants of the lymphatic system

They are foods low in sodium and high in potassium. They allow to eliminate liquids and toxins through urine and perspiration. In addition, potassium is a fundamental mineral for controlling blood pressure, according to current evidence.

Among the stimulants of the lymphatic system are:

  • Potato.
  • Melon.
  • Banana.
  • Carrot.
  • Brussels sprouts.

2. Hypocaloric

These foods reduce obesity because they do not provide significant calories. However, they do  contain vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients necessary for energy. Among the hypocaloric ones we find:

  • Fruit.
  • Vegetables.
  • Vegetables.

3. Laxatives

Dried fruits

Foods that reduce constipation can be very helpful if you want to fight cellulite. They eliminate accumulated toxins and, due to their amount of fiber, they give us a feeling of satiety. Among the laxatives are the following:

  • Oatmeal.
  • Pears
  • Plum.
  • Seeds.
  • Nuts.

4. Liver detoxifiers

These foods are responsible for cleaning the liver and helping it to fulfill its functions of filtering and detoxifying the body. If this organ does not work properly, fat easily accumulates in certain areas of the body.

Among the liver detoxifiers we find the following:

  • Garlic.
  • Onion.
  • Apple.
  • Artichokes

Foods to say goodbye to cellulite

There is no doubt that diet is essential to reduce orange peel skin. For this reason, we recommend that you consume the following foods to look much better and eliminate cellulite effectively.

1. Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds

They have a large number of nutrients, such as vitamins B6 and E, selenium, zinc, and potassium. All of them strengthen and repair connective tissue and, in addition, act as a natural diuretic.

We recommend that you consume sunflower seeds in moderation since, although they are satiating, they provide many calories.

2. Ginger

One of the properties of this root is that it raises body temperature (a process known as thermogenesis).

In addition, ginger speeds up metabolism, contributes to weight loss, improves digestion, and suppresses appetite.

3. Cayenne pepper

The spicy foods such as chili, chili and cayenne pepper are an effective tool against cellulite. As with ginger, they increase body heat and allow you to burn fat, even those accumulated in the buttocks.

4. Eggs

In this case, more precisely, the egg whites. This excellent source of protein provides almost no fat or calories. For its part, the yolk, although it is caloric, contains minerals such as zinc and iron. You can consume a whole cooked egg up to 7 times a week.

5. Barley

Barley water: benefits, contraindications and recipe.

This cereal is perfect for fighting overweight and orange peel. It does not provide many calories and its glycemic index is lower than any other grain. Also, barley reduces anxiety, so that it prevents us from eating without having an appetite. It also provides a good dose of energy.

6. Rosemary

This spice, which gives your food a unique flavor, has many properties:

  • On the one hand, it stimulates circulation.
  • In turn, it improves the digestion of fats.
  • It also prevents toxins from accumulating under the tissues.

All this is due to a plant polyphenol called rosmarinic acid that protects against free radicals. As if that weren’t enough, rosemary also facilitates the synthesis of elastin and collagen.

Include healthy foods in the diet to eliminate cellulite

In short, if you want to benefit from the benefits that these foods offer you, do not hesitate to include them in your diet. Also keep in mind that it will be necessary to practice sports regularly to activate the metabolism and thus stimulate fat loss.

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