How To Gain Energy With 5 Foods

In addition to regulating our nervous system and providing us with the energy we need, bananas are rich in potassium, which would help us avoid cramps and muscle tension

To carry out our daily activities, our body needs energy. However, on many occasions we feel fatigued or weak. This can be due to various causes. For those cases where we need to gain energy, we have selected healthy foods that can help us feel better.

1. Oatmeal: instant energy

Oatmeal is a food that provides 361g of kilocalories per 100 grams. For this reason, it is usually recommended to incorporate it regularly at breakfast.

According to data from the Spanish Nutrition Foundation, oats provide a good dose of fiber and carbohydrates. While carbohydrates are necessary to convert them into energy, fiber swells in the stomach, creating a feeling of fullness.

Best of all, oatmeal can be consumed every day and also in different ways: in the form of cereal with milk, boiled, in a smoothie or even as fresh water.

2. Banana: potassium


The banana is considered interesting for energy thanks to its high amounts of potassium. This element provides instant energy in a natural way and, therefore, healthy.

As the National Institutes of Health explains , potassium is an essential nutrient present in all tissues of the body and necessary for proper cellular function. In addition, it is the regulator of the volume of body fluid, including plasma.

On the other hand, potassium is necessary for proper nerve transmission, kidney function, and muscle contraction. Thus, its consumption is recommended to anyone who performs sports regularly. Two bananas in the morning would be great to keep us focused.

3. Fish: omega-3

Fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids (such as tuna, salmon, trout or sardines) provide a good dose of energy in a healthy way. An article published in Nutrients points out that these acids are responsible for various cellular functions, regulating, for example, blood pressure and glucose tolerance.

Likewise, it would influence the metabolic response of the muscles and have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant functions that could be beneficial for health.

In addition, this type of fish would also be interesting to maintain a good memory, the nervous system and to reduce stress levels. In this way, we would decrease depression and increase our concentration.

4. Egg

Egg white

Although it is historically believed that eggs are bad for health, the truth is that it is a product that provides high-quality proteins to our body.

Among other things, the egg contains protein, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and choline. That is, it contains properties necessary to gain energy and maintain the proper functioning of the body.

5. Water: essential

Stress and physical activities commonly cause dehydration. It is recommended to drink  water in those moments when we feel lacking in energy.

It is considered that a dehydrated body would not have the ability to carry out various activities, feeling lacking in energy and reserving what little it would have for when it was necessary.

If you want to gain energy, choose healthy foods that provide high-quality carbohydrates and protein over those that provide primarily sugars. The energy obtained from sugar is consumed more quickly, and you can feel tired again in a short period of time.

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