How To Hydrate Lips Naturally

Lips tend to dehydrate easily as they are exposed to multiple factors. In addition to hydration and external treatments, it is also important to nourish them from the inside.

The skin of the lips is really delicate and is exposed to all kinds of aggressions on a daily basis. From the sun to the cold, through hot food and drinks or makeup.

They often get resentful and start to look unhealthy. In the following article we will tell you some tips and recipes to hydrate the lips naturally.

Chapped lips, can they be prevented?

dry lips

Since the surface of the lips does not have the same protection as the rest of the body, it is necessary to help them externally.

For example, our lips do not have oil glands that “turn on” when the area is dry. It also does not have a mechanism to prevent moisture from evaporating.

In addition, they do not have a considerable amount of melanin and for this reason they are more vulnerable to UVA rays due to excessive sun exposure.

If we add to this that they are on the first line of contact with environmental pollution and weather conditions (wind, cold, rain, heat, snow, etc.), it is not difficult to understand why they get hurt and dry out so easily. .

Dehydrated lips can also be due to other issues such as, for example, an unbalanced diet, allergies to certain foods (especially citrus fruits) or the use of some toothpastes that contain chemical ingredients.

Always wearing lipstick can help them dry out and lose their moisture. Age can also be an important factor for the health of our lips.

Common symptoms include redness, scaling, and tenderness . Some people also experience pain, swelling, and dryness. Sometimes there can also be fragments of dead skin “hanging” and when trying to remove them they hurt extremely.

Natural remedies to hydrate the lips

The following homemade recipes will help you show off beautiful and healthy lips worthy of a lip advertising model. You don’t have to spend extra money on products, gels and creams.

The food you have at home is enough.

Olive oil

Olive oil-chapped lips remedies

The oiliness of this top quality oil helps us to improve the skin of any part of the body . In the case of the lips, it has a special effect because it also gives them shine and softness.

It also has the ability to repair skin tissues.

If you want to enhance the effects of olive oil on your lips, we recommend that you mix it with avocado pulp to achieve the perfect formula.


  • 1 avocado
  • 7 drops of olive oil


  • Open the avocado in half, remove the pit and with a spoon scoop out the pulp.
  • Crush well and add the olive oil.
  • Mix to form a homogeneous cream.
  • Apply to lips in circular motions.
  • Leave on for about 20 minutes and then remove with warm water.
  • Instead of drying them with a towel, better allow the air to take care of it.

Almonds oil

almonds oil

Another oil that you can use to improve the appearance of your lips is almond. It is not strange to understand why it is one of the essential components of many beauty products.

If you also combine it with beeswax you will get a perfect balm because it is very beneficial for the skin.


  • 1 tablespoon of beeswax (15 g)
  • 5 drops of almond oil


  • Put the beeswax in a saucepan and heat until melted.
  • Add the almond oil and stir well.
  • Let it cool (without allowing it to solidify).
  • Go over the lips and, when it dries, remove with a cotton ball dipped in warm water.
  • Repeat a few times a week, always at night.


effective exfoliating sugar for lips

It is an excellent homemade exfoliator that in a matter of minutes will leave your lips looking like new, without dead cells or imperfections. For the effect to be superior, we advise you to mix it with honey.


  • 2 tablespoons of sugar (20 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)


  • In a bowl, place the sugar and add the honey.
  • Stir well to form a grainy paste.
  • Spread on the lips and leave for a few minutes.
  • Rinse with warm water and remove with circular movements massaging the area.

aloe vera

aloe vera repairs and hydrates the lips

The gel or pulp of this plant has many properties that we can enjoy for a superior beauty of our lips. Aloe vera has antibacterial capabilities and it also hydrates and protects the skin.
Combats chapped and dry lips and at the same time repairs damaged cells.

This recipe is as simple as opening a stalk of aloe vera longitudinally, removing the liquid from inside and passing it through the lips. Do not rinse: the aloe had better penetrate the layers of the skin and do its job.


Surely you have ever used (or seen in magazines) cucumber for your beauty. It is often used to relieve eye strain and reduce dark circles and bags. However, it is also very good for hydrating and refreshing any skin type.

Its refreshing properties will make lips feel rejuvenated in a matter of minutes.

You can cut slices and place on the skin or prepare a kind of mask.


  • 2 slices of cucumber
  • 1 tablespoon of plain yogurt, milk or cream (10 g)


  • Cut the cucumber into slices, then chop it as small as possible.
  • Put it in a container along with the yogurt and mix well so that it is like the texture of a cream.
  • Apply to the lips and let it work for about 15 minutes.
  • Remove with cool water and, if you want to dry, use a soft towel and pat.

Try any of these remedies, they will surprise you.

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