Important Habits To Recover From A Pre-infarction

If we have suffered a pre-infarction it is essential that we improve our lifestyle and avoid all those bad habits or extreme emotions that could put us in danger

If you have suffered a pre-infarction you should know these tips to help your body have an optimal recovery. In addition, it is essential to adopt a different lifestyle to prevent this serious cardiovascular problem.

Discover in this article what a pre-infarction is, what its symptoms are and how to act in the moment of crisis. We also share the best habits to recover you. In this way, you can improve your quality of life in a simple and natural way.

What is a pre-infarction?

Pre-infarction is also known as angina pectoris. It happens when there is a reduction in the amount of blood reaching the heart. This arterial problem requires immediate treatment and subsequent monitoring by a specialist doctor.

We know that pre-infarction is caused by excess fat that is stored in the (coronary) arteries that carry blood to the heart. However, it can also be caused by a blood clot. Although cholesterol is one of the main causes of this disease, it can occur at any age and in people with different types of physical condition.

How to know if we are suffering a pre-infarction?

Pre-infarction symptoms, which usually start gradually and slowly, may include the following:

  • Pain in one or both arms
  • Severe discomfort and a feeling of tightness in the chest
  • Anxiety, fatigue, and shortness of breath
  • Nausea, dizziness and vomiting
  • General discomfort
  • Pain in the back, neck and stomach


What should we do during a pre-infarction?

Once we know the symptoms, we must also take into account the steps that we must follow in case of being with someone who suffers a pre-infarction or heart attack. These are the tips that you should know, since reaction time is very important and life depends on it :

  • Call the emergency phone.
  • Try to calm the person to breathe easily.
  • Loosen the clothing you are wearing so that the blood can circulate better.
  • Ask him if he takes any heart medicine so you can give it to him.

It is essential to bear in mind that, even if the person denies the symptoms, we must not allow ourselves to be convinced. We must follow this action protocol. We will avoid leaving the person alone and we will not provide any medication that has not been prescribed by the doctor.

Guidelines to recover

Avoid bad habits

If we have suffered a pre-infarction, we already have a compelling reason to change the most common bad habits of life. First of all, we are going to list the most serious factors that increase the possibility of suffering another pre-infarction. Therefore, we must correct them as soon as possible:

  • Smoking
  • Obesity
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • High cholesterol levels
  • Arterial hypertension

Good habits for recovery

The practice of good habits is essential for the recovery process after a pre-infarction. Even the doctor will be the one who designs a whole plan to improve the lifestyle. What should we take into account for recovery?

  • The severity of the pre-infarction will determine the time of rest that we must take.
  • We will try to avoid all kinds of worries, stress or states of euphoria.
  • It is important to get a good night’s rest and even naps.
  • As the days go by, we can gradually increase the activities and practice some exercise of moderate intensity.
  • Do not make sudden efforts or lift a lot of weight. We must avoid overexertion, since it can be dangerous to make the heart pump a lot of blood if there is still an obstruction of an artery. We can start with short walks or simple housework.
  • It is also important, as we have commented in the interior section, to avoid alcohol and tobacco, as well as places with smoke even if we do not smoke.

Walking after a pre-infarction

A good diet

Diet will be the fundamental key to balance cholesterol and triglyceride levels and to regulate blood pressure. In addition, it will help us to have a healthy weight and improve our quality of life in general.

Foods that we must reduce or eliminate:

  • Fast or processed food
  • Fried
  • Industrial pastries
  • Sugars
  • Poor quality oils
  • Sausages
  • Cheeses
  • Refined flours
  • Processed dairy desserts
  • Sugary and carbonated drinks
  • Table salt

Among the foods that we should consume we find:

  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Juices, gazpachos and homemade smoothies
  • Whole grains
  • Vegetables
  • Whole and sprouted nuts and seeds
  • Superfoods (spirulina, maca, nutritional yeast, hemp, cocoa, etc.)
  • Mushrooms
  • Algae
  • Natural sweeteners: Honey, stevia, xylitol, etc.
  • Sea or Himalayan salt (in moderation)
  • Fish
  • Egg

All of the above must be accompanied by the help therapies prescribed by the professional. It is essential to understand the severity of this problem and do everything possible to reduce its consequences. It should not be ignored that, after suffering from it, there are more risks of heart disease.

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