Improve Your Health Every Morning By Drinking Turmeric Infusion

An infusion of turmeric helps us make the most of the nutrients in this spice, known  as “the queen of spices” or the “golden root”.

It is native to Asia and is part of the Zingiberaceae family, to which the ginger root also belongs. It is known for its multiple culinary applications, since it serves to add color and flavor to various preparations.

In addition, in many cultures its medicinal benefits have been recognized and, for centuries, it has been one of the basic ingredients in the development of alternative remedies.

And it is that, although for many it remains unknown, this prodigious plant is a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant that helps prevent various diseases.

Its antioxidant benefits are similar to those of vitamins C and E, it concentrates high levels of iron, magnesium and potassium, and it also provides fiber.

Benefits of turmeric infusion

The infusion of turmeric serves as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and natural antiseptic. Its antioxidant properties help fight free radicals.

Due to its significant contribution of nutrients and its ability to combat various diseases, there are those who use it as a complement to traditional treatments.

Among its main benefits for the body include:

Soothes joint pain

Turmeric infusion helps against joint pain

Curcumin, the active compound in turmeric, gives it anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that reduce pain that affects the joints.

Its regular consumption balances the inflammatory processes of the body, fights fluid retention and reduces stiffness.

Protect the brain

This infusion promotes the destruction of plaques that accumulate in nerve cells and that, over time, can lead to cognitive disorders, such as Alzheimer’s.

It also stimulates the activity of neurons and minimizes the negative action of free radicals.

Improves cardiovascular health

The heart benefits from taking turmeric infusion

The positive effect of curcumin lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood, which helps  prevent clogged arteries and high blood pressure.

Its antioxidants improve circulation, protect the heart muscle and reduce the risk of stroke.

Prevents type 2 diabetes

Turmeric helps reduce insulin resistance and  control blood glucose levels to prevent type 2 diabetes.

Also, in moderate amounts it can enhance the effects of prescription drugs to treat this condition.

Promotes weight loss

Turmeric promotes weight loss

Turmeric compounds slow the growth of adipocytes, accelerate thermogenesis and prevent the accumulation of fatty tissue.

Some studies suggest that it could lower the levels of cortisol, a hormone that could prepare the body to retain fat.

Improves digestion

Curcumin supports the function of the gallbladder and stimulates the release of bile to facilitate the breakdown of fats.

It is gentle on the stomach and has the ability to inhibit abdominal inflammation, heartburn and indigestion.

How to prepare a turmeric infusion to improve health?

turmeric infusion

This natural drink is very low in calories and concentrates all the properties of turmeric to take care of the body.

It supports the treatment of various diseases and, in the long term, could have positive anticancer effects.

It is recommended to combine this infusion of turmeric with a little lemon juice to enhance its diuretic action.


  • ½ teaspoon of turmeric (2 g)
  • The juice of ½ lemon
  • 1 tablespoon of organic honey (25 g)
  • ½ cup of warm water (125 ml)


  • Heat the water, squeeze the lemon juice and combine all the ingredients until you get a smooth drink.
  • Sweeten with a tablespoon of organic honey to make it taste more pleasant.
  • Drink it immediately, preferably on an empty stomach.
  • Repeat its consumption every day, for three weeks in a row.
  • Optionally you can take it three times a week.

This drink should be avoided in case of gallbladder stones or any disease that compromises the liver.

Also, caution should be exercised, as it alters the effects of some types of medications. Consult with your doctor before taking this turmeric infusion to complement your treatment.

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