Medicinal Herbs To Treat Asthma

It is believed that there are several medicinal herbs with the potential to treat asthma. Do you know what they can be, how to take advantage of them and what benefits they specifically provide? Next, we will solve your doubts and we will tell you much more.

However, before going on to describe each of these infusions, it is convenient to review some key aspects about asthma and its management at home. Later, we will tell you which herbs can complement medical treatment to alleviate the symptoms and better cope with this condition.

Asthma, a common disease

Asthma is a common condition that, year after year, becomes more frequent, due to different causes that affect the respiratory system. It is a pathology that affects between 3 and 7% of the adult population. In children, it is even more frequent; in fact, it represents one of the most common chronic diseases.

According to Medline Plus, the main symptoms of asthma are wheezing, shortness of breath, coughing, or chest tightness. This is because asthma causes the airways to swell and narrow.

When an attack occurs, the muscles around these pathways tighten and their lining becomes inflamed. Thus, the amount of air that can pass through them is reduced, which causes the symptoms mentioned above.

In general, the triggers of this problem are usually allergens such as pollen, dust or the hair of certain animals. It can also be caused by cold, humidity and intense physical exercise, according to studies by researchers at the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care .

When this problem occurs, it is important to consult a specialist, since improper treatment can have serious consequences for the person. Similarly, to help treat the disease, there are certain medicinal plants that help relax the airways.

Infusions to fight asthma

There are those who wonder: is it possible to use medicinal herbs to treat asthma? It really depends on the case. If the doctor authorizes it, then yes it is possible to prepare some soft infusions – punctually – to alleviate some symptoms.

The infusions provide relief because, in addition to helping to moisturize the respiratory tract and hydrate the body, they have a certain anti-inflammatory effect.

Of course, it must be borne in mind that medicinal herbs to treat asthma should not replace, in any case, the treatment indicated by the health professional. Instead, they could complement it.

1. Common chamomile and eucalyptus

To prevent attacks, popular beliefs recommend consuming the infusion at breakfast and after dinner. This is based on the fact that, in many cases, symptoms are worse first thing in the morning and late in the afternoon.

  • According to a study published by Molecular Medicine Reports , common chamomile or chamomile has anti-inflammatory properties and could help decrease the bronchial spasm that occurs as a result of this disease.
  • Eucalyptus, for its part, improves the capacity of the airways during an infection or allergy, according to research published by the International Journal of Aromatherapy .

To prepare the infusion, first put a bag of chamomile and include three eucalyptus leaves along with a cup of boiling water. You can let it rest for five minutes and then consume it little by little, and it is even possible to take advantage of the steam from the same infusion as well.

2. Ginger and lemon infusion

The infusion of ginger and lemon is beneficial thanks to its ability to help reduce the formation of viral plaques, according to a study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology .

To prepare it following one of the most popular popular recipes, just mix a little lemon juice in three glasses of water and include two tablespoons of fresh ginger root. Then, heat this mixture well and allow it to sit. It is not necessary to consume it hot; it can be drunk cold and the benefits will be the same.

 3. Infusion of mint, anise and bay leaf

According to traditional medicine, mint would have spasmolytic properties, which is beneficial when fighting asthma. However, it is important to note that an allergy to peppermint can trigger an asthmatic condition, according to a study published by Allergy & Rhinology . Be careful when using it and never do it without the approval of the doctor.

The laurel, for its part, is known for its supposed production of hyposecretory medicinal leaves. These are said to help fight problems such as chronic bronchitis or emphysema, although it is not scientifically proven. This remedy can also be combined with anise.

To prepare this infusion, you only have to mix a teaspoon of each ingredient. With regard to the laurel, a dry leaf is enough, in a cup of water.

4. Indian gooseberry remedy

The Indian gooseberry is not a very well known plant. However, it stands as one of the oldest natural treatments for asthma.

It should be noted that, despite its age, there is currently not much evidence about its safety as a remedy for asthma or other health conditions, but rather specific data. Therefore, it is recommended to exercise caution and consult your doctor first before using it.

Infusion to treat slow digestions

This plant is said to help deflate the respiratory tract, promote breathing and also act as an antispasmodic. Some of its beneficial effects have been proven in a study published in the Journal of Herbal Medicines conducted on people with a history of smoking.

Generally, it is usually found in health food stores, although it can also be obtained in pharmacies. In addition, it is usually recommended to consume only one cup a day.

For its preparation according to traditional medicine, it is enough to put four grams of gooseberry in a cup of boiling water. Let it sit for about five minutes and drink it little by little.

Beware of medicinal herbs to treat asthma

First of all, you should avoid resorting to natural remedies without the authorization of the doctor, to avoid interactions and adverse reactions. Remember that just because they are “natural” they are not harmless. Furthermore, each organism reacts differently to different substances.

Do not forget to consult with your doctor what may be the best options for you, as well as those remedies that you should avoid to avoid putting your health at risk. Similarly, make an appointment if asthma symptoms worsen.

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