Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Athlete’s Foot

Athlete’s foot is an annoying and uncomfortable condition. Nobody likes to have a bad smell in the limbs. But there are ways to treat this disorder naturally, to improve symptoms and prevent their recurrence.

Athlete’s foot, also called “ringworm of the foot,” is a contagious fungal infection that spreads on the skin of the feet. It is usually caused by poor cleaning habits, although it is also common in those who have excess perspiration. Do you know how to remove athlete’s foot?

There are now a wide variety of antifungal treatments that help control this condition. However, there are also a wide variety of natural remedies available that can give similar results for a low price.

What are the causes of athlete’s foot?

Exposing the feet to hot, humid environments is one of the main causes of athlete’s foot. However, the infection is caused by the attack of the same fungus that causes ringworm and jock itch. It can be contracted by:

  • Direct contact with an infected person
  • Have sweaty feet
  • Using contaminated towels or shoes
  • Walking barefoot in public places like swimming pools, saunas, or showers
  • Have a minor injury to the skin or nails

remove athlete's foot

Athlete’s foot symptoms

Athlete’s foot usually produces a reddish-looking, scaly rash. It almost always starts between the toes, but extends to the heels and nails. Other symptoms include:

  • Stinging and burning between the toes and soles of the feet
  • Blisters on the feet that cause itching
  • Cracking and peeling of the skin on the feet
  • Dry skin on the sides of the feet
  • Thick, discolored nails

Natural remedies to eliminate athlete’s foot

Without the help of treatment it can be very difficult to get rid of athlete’s foot. Therefore, when faced with any manifestation of the fungus, it is best to find solutions to try to eradicate it. We present you some natural alternatives.

Aloe vera and tea tree oil

Aloe vera cream.

The crystal that contains the aloe vera leaf has antifungal components that help to inhibit the growth of fungi on the skin. To enhance its properties we use a little tea tree oil, recognized for being effective against infections.


  • ½ cup of aloe vera gel (62.5 g)
  • 10 drops of tea tree essential oil


  • First, extract the fresh gel from the aloe vera leaves.
  • Later, mix it in a container with the essential tea tree oil.

How to use

  • Clean your feet well and rub the treatment on them.
  • Wait 20 minutes for it to act and rinse.
  • Repeat its application every night before going to bed.

Natural yogurt and honey

Although the recipe looks more like a dessert, this combination of ingredients has very beneficial properties to eliminate athlete’s foot. Both yogurt and honey regulate skin pH and alter the environment that fungi need to grow.


  • ½ cup of plain yogurt (125 ml)
  • 3 tablespoons of honey (30 g)


  • Add the ingredients in a bowl and mix them until you get a homogeneous product.

How to use

  • Spread the treatment over the affected areas and leave it to act for 30 minutes.
  • When it’s dry, rinse it off.
  • Finally, don’t forget to dry your feet well.

Garlic, almond oil and plantain

Making a poultice with garlic, almond oil and fresh plantain we can obtain an effective treatment to eliminate athlete’s foot. Due to the antifungal properties of these ingredients it is possible to control the growth of fungi.


  • 1 clove of raw garlic
  • 2 tablespoons of almond oil (20 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of fresh plantain (15 g)


    • Put the garlic clove and plantain in a mortar.
    • Then grind them into a paste.
    • Lastly, mix them with the almond oil.

    How to use

    • Rub the remedy on the area infected by the fungus.
    • Cover the foot with a bandage and leave it to act for 2 hours.
    • Remove the mixture, rinse and pat dry.
    • Use it at least 3 times a week.

    Apple cider vinegar and grapefruit juice

    The organic acids contained in apple cider vinegar can be used in the treatment of fungus on the skin. In this case we combine it with the properties of grapefruit juice, which enhances its effects against the microorganism that causes athlete’s foot.


    • 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (20 ml)
    • 4 tablespoons of grapefruit juice (40 ml)


    • Pour the ingredients into a bowl and mix well.

    How to use

    • Soak a cotton ball in the preparation and apply it on the affected area.
    • Repeat its use every day, up to 2 times a day.

    Have you not been able to eliminate athlete’s foot? Go ahead and try these natural products. If the problem persists, consult a doctor or dermatologist for other alternatives.

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