The 5 Things I Learned From An Unexpected Breakup

Far from blaming ourselves for everything in the event of an unexpected breakup, it may be necessary to pay attention to other aspects. We will tell you.

It seems that the chaos of sensations that occurs after an unexpected breakup is a complex challenge for which often no one is prepared.

The simulated stability with which we lived is cracking. We received a sudden news that we did not count on at all.

In those moments the world is upon us. We wonder if we will get out of such an obstacle or how long that pain will last.

However, it is likely that, in time, we will make another reading of that event. What keys can we identify? Here are some of them.

What do you learn after an unexpected breakup?

Although there are emotional events that cause us suffering, there are certain experiences that in the end we interpret differently. What do we learn? What lessons do we take away, then?

1. We are not throwaway

Perhaps when we receive the scoop, we think that we have been used, that the other person has taken advantage of us. They are natural feelings in situations of this type.

However, regardless of such impressions, what is clear is that the other person has hardly warned us beforehand. Suddenly, we find that the relationship ends. Sometimes there are not even explanations.

But, of course, no one deserves to be ‘dumped’ and, even less, to be done overnight. However, these spontaneous decisions are the responsibility of whoever executes them.

Therefore, perhaps we are freeing ourselves from someone who has not known how to value us enough to tell us what he feels in time …

2. Value what we have given

Each of us decides what we ‘give’ to the other person. The bond with the couple is based on giving and receiving, although sometimes it is not in equal parts.

Actually, this is not the most relevant aspect. In addition, there are also frequent agreements in which one member contributes more in some circumstances and another is more involved in other areas.

They are still contracts in which the investment is mutual. But, on the other hand, what does it matter if you gave yourself more or less? Did you do it with conviction? Did you enjoy the experience?

Perhaps those are the questions to ask yourself when faced with challenges like this …

3. Surround yourself with good friends

Even when we are in a couple, friends are a fundamental source of satisfaction. What’s more, in moments as hard as an unexpected breakup, seeking support from them is unavoidable.

Who knows us best? How many laughs have we had with such companions? They can even be people with whom we have shared multiple experiences, close lifelong colleagues …

Now you will know how good it will be to take a little of that fresh air that friends give you. They will reach out to you and help you move on.


4. In an unexpected break, the contradiction hurts

It is possible that we perceive this event as something incoherent, as a series of beautiful words or simulated acts that opposes the decision that the other communicates to us at that moment.

This contradiction causes us intense pain. Because where there was a couple who proclaimed love, now you only feel abandonment …

Such a situation is difficult. Perhaps having information in advance or having addressed the problems would cause us less harm. But, unfortunately, this has not been the case.

In any case, this kind of sudden news is beyond one’s control. ..

5. Turn the page to continue moving forward

Closing the book of a story that comes to an end allows us to take other paths. The problem is that, faced with an unexpected break, we feel lost and it is more difficult for us to end that adventure. More than anything because sometimes explanations are scarce.


However, as we turn pages, we will see that there are no answers to all the doubts that assail us. Some will remain unsolved, while others will open our eyes to interesting conclusions.

The reflection that follows an unexpected break

Have you suffered an unexpected breakup? How did you analyze what happened? You learned?

If so, some of the reflections you made may have been reflected in these keys.

Also, surely, the vision you have now of that event is quite different from the one you felt at that time.

Find good friends, accept the contradiction and, of course, close the book. When we start turning the pages, the wounds will start to heal.

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