The 7 Most Common Diseases In Women

A common characteristic in some women is, for example, spending much of the time more concerned about others than about herself. It is something without a doubt admirable but, sometimes, we can go to the extreme of not taking care of ourselves as we should.

Sometimes, we think that this pain or discomfort in the chest can only be fatigue, also that this headache is only stress, and we think that those morning suffocations are nothing more than worries. We can be wrong, we must be alert with it.

Take care of yourself, prioritize yourself a little more and also remember that, if you are not well, you will not be able to make others well. So do not miss this article and discover what are the most common diseases in women.

Most prevalent diseases in women

1. Depression

Depression is one of the most common diseases, and according to the WHO (World Health Organization), it is the one that has caused the most sick leave. According to this article, the women are at greater risk for depression than men, since they are more vulnerable.

Sometimes, emotional disorders, personal crises or personal problems, derive in this void that is so difficult to manage.

Woman with a pink flower

Lack of energy, recurrent sadness, sleep disorders, fatigue, physical and musculoskeletal pain are a few examples associated with this common problem that can occur when we least expect it. Never hesitate to ask for help and remember that dark moments pass to give us great lessons and teach us to be stronger.

2. Breast cancer

Breast cancer is another of the most common diseases in women. Now, you must bear in mind that in recent years the cases of lung and colorectal cancer have increased a lot in us. So don’t neglect your regular reviews.

  • If there are cases of breast cancer in your family, do not hesitate to start your check-ups before the age of 40, since it is a hereditary disease, as explained in the summary of this study. From this age it is necessary to undergo periodic mammograms.
  • Do not forget to check your breasts for any abnormality, be it small lumps, changes in color or skin texture.
  • Remember also that in recent years survival rates are very high. However, it remains one of the most common diseases in women.

3. Ovarian cysts

Ovarian cysts can be the result of the usual menstruation process. However, it is necessary that we also undergo periodic reviews with our gynecologist to control these processes that are sometimes so common.

  • An ovarian cyst is the result of an abnormal concentration of fluid in the ovary.
  • They appear during our childbearing years and are not common in menopause.
  • Among the most common symptoms we find  irregular menstrual periods, bleeding in the middle of cycles or pain in the abdominal or pelvic area.

Woman in bed

4. Migraines

Migraines are very intense headaches that affect only one half of the head. It is a throbbing pain, accompanied by dizziness and nausea, which forces us to have to seek rest in dim places.

It can last for hours and is usually an inherited disorder.

  • The cause would be in the trigeminal nerve and in the branches of this nerve that connects with the blood vessels of the meninges, which are the tissue that covers the brain.
  • Certain foods, stress, and emotional tension can inflame these structures and cause migraines. Feel free to monitor triggers and follow your doctor’s guidelines.

    5. Beware of heart problems

    The most common causes of heart problems, according to many studies that have been carried out over time, are:

    • Tobacco
    • Diabetes
    • Cholesterol
    • The obesity
    • The hypertension
    • To live a sedentary lifestyle

    You must be alert to that recurring tiredness, those choking every time you climb stairs, or any oppressive pain in the chest.

    6. The irritable bowel

    Irritable bowel syndrome is a digestive tract disorder that causes abdominal pain and inflammation. And that it can produce alternate episodes of diarrhea or constipation.

    It is another of the most common diseases in women. And it is almost always associated with stress, hormonal changes, and emotional problems. It usually makes its first appearance between the ages of 15 and 25, and it is common for us to experience it once or twice a month.

    7. Thyroid problems

    thyroid cancer

    Disorders associated with the thyroid gland are also one of the most common diseases in women. The first signs usually appear between the ages of 25 and 35, and we will notice it in the following aspects:

    • Weight changes, losing weight or gaining weight without really knowing why.
    • Being cold at the wrong time and when not playing or feeling suffocated in winter are also very common situations.
    • Hair loss, sleep problems, fatigue, fluid retention …
    • Hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism are diseases that require specific treatment. Always supplemented with adequate nutrition, and a lot of encouragement.
    • Many times we have to face a physical aspect that we do not recognize due to these metabolic alterations, hence also the severity of this thyroid-associated disease.

    To conclude, as women, it is necessary to never forget to pay attention to ourselves, to establish periodic reviews with our doctors and to give importance to each symptom, to each recurring complaint.

    Never leave your health for tomorrow. Be happy and take care of yourself as you deserve from today !.

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