The Amazing Uses Of Banana Peel

If we knew all the properties that the skins and peels of fruits and vegetables haveā€¦ We would not throw any in the trash! Some of them are edible, but others are not and therefore we discard them without thinking. In this article we will tell you about the amazing uses of banana peel. You will think twice before getting rid of it from now on.

Nutritional value of banana peel


The banana or banana is one of the most consumed fruits in the world. It can be prepared in hundreds of ways and we have enjoyed it since we are children.

What we do not know is that the  peel is as nutritious as the interior : it provides iron, potassium and vitamins B, C and K. As if that were not enough, it contains good amounts of manganese, fiber, antioxidants and copper.

For the effects of banana skin to be beneficial, we recommend that you choose organic and organic fruit to avoid introducing harmful substances used in crops into the body.

Properties and uses of banana peel

In all this time you have been missing the benefits of using banana skin. However, when you know its main properties you will not even think about throwing it away.

Prevents the appearance of cataracts

Eat the inside of the banana peel to prevent the risk of eye cataracts. Since the peel contains lutein, a powerful antioxidant, it protects the eye from free radicals and painful frequencies of UV radiation from the sun.

Reduces headache

In this case it is an external home remedy. Rest the inside of the skin on the forehead or temples as appropriate and leave for several minutes. You can secure it with a bandage or tape so that it does not move.

Lay back and let it do its work.

Helps improve sleep

For this, it is recommended to eat the inside of the banana peel. Since the peel has tryptophan, sleep happens with more regularity and improvement.

Reduce the cholesterol

If the latest blood tests have indicated that your cholesterol levels are somewhat elevated, you should start eating bananas and not just the inside of the fruit!

The peel has properties that clean the fat from the arteries. Therefore it is also recommended for people with high blood pressure. The person in charge of this is potassium.

Treats skin problems

Bananas benefits

Have you accidentally hit yourself and have a horrible bruise as a result? Then you can take advantage of the benefits of the banana peel. Place the internal part in contact with the bruise, hold it with a bandage and leave it on all day.

On the other hand, if you suffer from psoriasis, we recommend that you use banana skin to soothe the dryness and itchiness characteristic of this condition. Rub the inside of the area you want to treat twice a day.

In the event that you have acne, it can also be very useful. If you have inflamed or irritated skin due to pimples, rub the peel every night, after washing the area well.

Removes wrinkles and warts

One of the best home remedies to say goodbye to “fine lines” is banana peel. Consistency is key in these cases.

Every night before going to bed, rub with the inside of the fruit’s skin and let it act without rinsing. The dermis will be very soft.

If you have a wart that you want to remove, choose a specimen whose skin is green or slightly yellow. The enzymes will kill that unsightly bump and it won’t hurt because the moisture from the banana will soften it.

Rub gently and repeat as many times as necessary.

Improves mood


Banana peel has a good amount of tryptophan. This amino acid helps promote the production of serotonin, known as “the hormone of happiness.”

The mood is regulated by it and if it is at low levels it will translate into bad mood, depression and irritability.

With two banana peels a day for three consecutive days you will increase the serotonin in your body by up to 16%.

Other uses and applications

In addition to the aforementioned uses of banana peel, we can also highlight the following:

  • Calms the discomfort caused by insect bites (such as mosquitoes and ants).
  • Whiten teeth.
  • Erases scratches and scars from the skin.
  • Eliminates skin blemishes.
  • Strengthens the bones.
  • Allows greater absorption of calcium.
  • Shine your shoes and shine them.
  • Polish the silverware.
  • Fertilize the plants.
  • Repels aphid pests from roses.
  • Reduces rashes.
  • Attracts butterflies.
  • It allows to preserve the juices of the meat when it is cooked.

Finally, we invite you to follow the tips mentioned above to take advantage of the possible benefits attributed to the banana peel.

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