The Most Beneficial Fruits For The Lungs

Fruits contain vitamins and minerals that support the immune and lung systems. Among other things, many have antioxidant properties that help prevent cell damage caused by free radicals. On this occasion, we show you 5 beneficial fruits for the lungs.

5 beneficial fruits for the lungs


Among the fruits beneficial for the lungs, citrus fruits stand out for their high content of vitamin C, which helps prevent damage from free radicals that can trigger lung inflammation.

Oranges, for example, contribute to the defense of the respiratory system. In addition, its consumption improves both morning cough and chronic cough in young adult patients who smoke.

Cantaloupe melon

Cantaloupe contains high amounts of vitamins A and C, which are essential for the functioning of the immune system and the strengthening of the pulmonary system.

A cup of cubed melon contains two-thirds of the recommended daily amount of vitamin A in women, while in men it reaches more than half.

Vitamin A is essential, among other functions, as the body’s defense against disease-causing microbes.



Another beneficial fruit for the lungs is strawberry. For example, a cup of strawberries contains more than 100% of the RDA of vitamin C.

Among other things, they help maintain healthy lung function,  as well as prevent chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

In fact, as a publication in the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture highlights , this fruit, like other berries, is a source of important antioxidants.

Therefore, its consumption can reduce the risk of various chronic diseases. In addition, they are ideal for combating the negative effects of free radicals.

Tomatoes and apples

Increased lung function and reduced wheezing  are associated with eating three tomatoes or five apples a week. This is due to the phytochemicals present in the peels of these fruits, which are antioxidants and protect the respiratory tract from external irritants, such as pollution or tobacco.

Incorporate these fruits into your daily diet,  so you can squeeze all the benefits they can bring to your lungs.

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