There Are Little Coincidences That Change Your Life

There are many who defend that, in reality, coincidences do not exist. The voice of science and sociology warns us that life is not an accident ruled by luck. In reality, each one would reap what they sow, because we are all involved in constant learning.

We do not know if coincidences are the product of chance, fate or of each of our previous acts. However, what we do know is that sometimes luck is in our favor and brings us things and even people that are worthwhile. That bring us happiness. We invite you to reflect on it so that you can offer us your opinion.

The coincidences and coincidences

girl-with-butterflies-in-her-hand representing the magic of coincidences

Our life is a book that we are writing every day because, at every moment, wonderful coincidences happen and others, as we already know, are not so positive. Now, it is curious how some scientists and especially physicists, far from calling it coincidences, prefer to speak of coincidences. In our day-to-day lives, we experience certain coincidences that do not seem to have meaning for us. However, everything that we meet, see and feel is a direct result of each of our decisions.

If we decide to stay at home this afternoon, we will not encourage certain things: go out and meet a friend, buy a lottery coupon because it is offered to us by a seller, and that later, perhaps, it can be graceful … Coincidences exist, but most Of the times they happen because we ourselves are active agents of our reality.

Chance and synchronicity

Carl Gustav Jung coined the interesting term “synchronicity” to tell us about other types of coincidences: they are the temporal coincidence of two or more events that, despite being related to each other, are not one cause of the other. To understand it, we will give you a curious example. Actor Anthony Hopkins had been asked to shoot a movie called “The Petrovka Girl.” It was a story based on a book that could no longer be found, that was out of print in every bookstore.

The actor, meticulous in his work, regretted not being able to have that book with which to better prepare his character. The days passed and, one morning when he was going to take the subway in New York, when he sat on a bench, he found a book that someone had left forgotten: “The Petrovka Girl.” This is a very clear example of synchronicity. For Jung, this type of coincidence could be related to quantum physics, with our mind and the environment that surrounds us. Something to ponder, no doubt.

Those coincidences that bring us happiness

couple dependent on anotherFor us who limit ourselves to living life without worrying too much about quantum physics, or philosophical discussions about whether it is fate, luck or our mind that favors these coincidences, all we want is that everything that happens is good. Therefore, it would be good to reflect a little on these dimensions:

Coincidences are favored by a positive attitude

Of everything you wear, the most important thing is your attitude. It is she who will give you the strength to face your days, to go out and smile, see the good things in your surroundings and face difficulties with optimism.

  • If our attitude is not open or receptive, we will miss many opportunities and situations that, in some way, could improve our reality.
  • Whoever chooses to maintain a closed, defensive and negative attitude will only receive the same. It’s like being immersed in that tunnel vision where we only see one end point, ours. Without discovering everything that happens around us.

    The pillar of self-love

    What does self-love have to do with coincidences? Very much. Whoever lacks self-love is limited only to “letting go”, to allowing others or the rhythm of life to bring them their coincidences. It is necessary to be architects of our own reality. Therefore, it is important to have self-esteem, self-esteem and determination to know “what yes and what not”. Which path to take and which path to avoid according to our purposes and decisions.

    Do not fear uncertainty

    People have the need to have everything under control. Our brain does not like uncertainty or the unexpected. Now, it is important to know how to accept that there are things that we cannot master or predict. In addition, that the coincidences themselves are part of the uncertainty of life.

    It’s just about letting yourself go. To fix our action in those circumstances that we can control so that the rest happens at its own pace. With a good attitude, hopes, resistance to uncertainty and good self-esteem, the door of happiness will sooner or later open before us to bring us what we dream of.

    Final thoughts on the coincidences that change your life

    In short, we can come to think that destiny is written to us. In this way, something alien to us will guide our steps and our lives. On the other hand, we can think that nothing is accidental, and that we are architects of our own destiny. In this way, we will need that, through our will, we are responsible and committed to our actions. In short, luck or coincidences do not exist; we are the ones who promote it.

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