What Are Compresses And Poultices For?

Preparing poultices and compresses is a common practice of alternative and natural therapies. What’s more, it is possible to do it at home, with ingredients and materials that almost everyone has at home.

Surely you have read that to carry out a health or beauty treatment, compresses or poultices are required  . Perhaps you have wondered what they are or why this technique is used. It is one of the oldest natural remedies that exists and in this note we will tell you what they are for. So you can take advantage of them!

Poultices and compresses: what are they, what are they used for

Throughout history, many people have used these techniques for all kinds of ailments. They are very useful for both health and beauty, they help heal conditions and make the skin more beautiful. They are inexpensive therapeutic methods, easy to prepare and simple to use.

As a first step, it is good to differentiate between poultices and compresses, and also indicate what concerns both. What they have in common is that they are treatments that are applied directly to the skin, in most cases, over the area to be treated or affected.


Characteristics of the poultices

Poultices are made up of different elements such as herbs, flowers and oils. They are applied to the skin and have various effects, such as: soothing, healing, regenerating, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, purifying, etc.

Some examples of poultices are:

Crushed garlic

Crushed garlic is applied on canker sores or skin wounds, or also in cases of pimples or acne, to help healing and, at the same time, to prevent bacteria from becoming infected or proliferating.


It is good for nourishing and beautifying the skin due to its anti-inflammatory effect. Raw potato slices can be placed  directly on a wound, scar, insect bite, etc.

Cold clay

This poultice is used to relieve varicose veins, hemorrhoids, inflammation, as well as to heal acne and heal wounds.


It is very good to combat otitis, migraines and pain in the teeth or gums. It has soothing, antiseptic and healing abilities. It is also used to heal infected wounds, trauma, inflammation and to take care of the skin by eliminating spots, acne, blemishes, scars, etc. In other words, it has numerous benefits for general health.



This poultice has been used since Ancient Greece to combat lung and chest conditions. In turn, it treats problems of sciatica, neuralgia and rheumatic pain, although there is no scientific evidence in this regard.

Fenugreek or alhova

Another Greek recipe that is used to alleviate the discomfort caused by hemorrhoids, it helps the cystic pimples and boils “mature”.

According to some studies, fenugreek supplements in prediabetic people were associated with a lower predisposition to diabetes, due to lower insulin resistance.

Characteristics of the compresses

The compresses are a preparation made with elements of plant origin, such as herbs or oils, which are then wrapped in a special gauze, cloth or cloth and applied to the area of ​​the body to be treated.

The preparation is left to rest for a few minutes or up to hours (it is fixed with a bandage so that it does not move) and then it is rinsed with warm water.

There are two types of compresses: hot and cold. Colds are used to reduce fever, combat inflammation, soften or remove pain where there are bruises, etc.

Warming compresses relieve cramps, contractures, or muscle aches in the neck, relax tired feet, relieve coughs, stimulate circulation, help sleep, and relieve pain that was not caused by inflammation.

Some examples of pads are:

Chamomile flowers and olive oil

This compress is good in case you have a stye on your eye. It can also be used in cases of gum inflammation due to infections in a tooth (apply externally on the cheek).


  • A handful of chamomile flowers.
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil (it can also be sesame).

How do i prepare it

Make a mixture with both elements and soak the compress that you will use with hot water. Pour the preparation and apply, as hot as possible.


Although there is no research on it, it is popularly said that flax or flax seeds are beneficial for all problems related to the respiratory system such as bronchitis, sinusitis and cough.


  • 1 tablespoon of flax seeds.
  • A few drops of olive oil

How do i prepare it

Mix both and heat in a saucepan. Place on a canvas or cloth and apply to the chest, taking care not to burn yourself.


It is a compress for constipation, to reduce inflammation of sprains and to reinforce the blood risk in areas where we have been hit. It has numerous antioxidant compounds that neutralize the action of free radicals, which notably deteriorate the cells of the body tissues.


  • 3 handfuls of dried rosemary leaves
  • ½ liter of water

How do i prepare it

Boil both ingredients for five minutes. Remove from heat, strain and use the wet herbs to apply to the lower abdomen.

Another option is to soak a cloth with the tea water and place in the same place. It also works for scalp problems.

Herb mix

This compress is perfect for relieving bruises, sprains and bumps, reducing inflammation and the pain they cause.


  • 1 tablespoon of yarrow.
  • 1 tablespoon of St. John’s wort.
  • 1 tablespoon of comfrey.
  • ¼ cup of water.

How do i prepare it

Prepare an infusion with water and the three herbs, letting it boil for a few minutes. Strain the water and apply the wet (activated) plants to the affected area, being very careful not to burn the skin.

Let cool until it is bearable. Next, place a gauze or cloth on top and wrap with a bandage. Allow a few minutes to pass before removing and washing.


If you add a tablespoon of shepherd’s purse herb (Capsella bursa-pastoris) to this recipe and a tablespoon of shepherd’s purse herb  , it is an excellent remedy to stop bleeding in the nose.

Instead of using the herbs, a cotton ball is strained and soaked in the tea water, placing it like a tourniquet inside the nose. Remember that it is not good to throw your head back when it bleeds.

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