What To Eat During Menstruation Days

We should not gorge ourselves on sweets, although an ounce of chocolate is allowed. However, it is recommended to replace sweets with nuts, which give us energy and vitality

Are you one of those who suffer because they do not know what to eat during menstruation?

When we have our period, and the days before, the famous premenstrual syndrome occurs.

Basically, it means that our crazed hormones take part of our body’s control.

This translates into abrupt mood swings, ranging from sadness to irritability, in addition to those annoying abdominal pain that occurs due to uterine spasms.

There are no magic remedies against these annoying symptoms, but we can improve the outlook through natural tricks that have to do with a balanced diet.

What to do during menstruation

Feeling bloated during menstruation is common.

Menstrual pain

This is due to fluid retention, which often makes you feel like a swollen bag of water.

To counteract this annoying effect, it is ideal to reduce your salt intake as much as possible, avoid carbonated drinks and drink at least two liters of water daily.

If the pain prevents you from leading a normal life, you should go to your doctor. You may suffer from some type of disorder, such as endometriosis, and you do not know it.

In fact, according to some studies, it is believed that between 10 and 15% of women could suffer from some related pathology and not be aware of it.

Have you ever felt an almost uncontrolled urge to eat sweet foods during your period?

That’s because estrogen levels drop. According to various research, this causes hormonal imbalances and hypoglycemia, leading to an increase in the desire to eat, especially sweet foods.

A little chocolate is not bad, because it generates endorphins, a hormone that makes us feel good, although consuming a lot of refined sugar and processed foods can contribute to an upset stomach.

Which worsens our picture of swelling and irritability.

The ideal is to consume nuts, such as walnuts and almonds, which give us energy and help us to get out of the state of dejection that menstruation produces.

It goes without saying that you have to take care of the intake of sweets, which always involve empty calories that are of no use to the body.

To combat anemia


Iron is our best ally: spinach and lentils provide this mineral in large quantities. That is why its consumption is recommended during these days.

Pineapples and bananas, which contain serotonin, a hormone that generates pleasure, are also recommended to appease irritability.

Stimulant drinks are not recommended

Since they can affect our eclectic mood due to hormonal seizure.

Obviously, forget about alcohol during these days.

On the other hand, excessive consumption of carbohydrates is not good either, since they make us feel bloated.

It is better to replace them with foods with fiber and whole grains, ideal for better digestion.

Get regular exercise

To walk

Exercise makes us secrete endorphins, a hormone that makes us feel relaxed and happy, activates our blood circulation, takes us out of dejection, reactivates us and fills us with energy and a good mood.

An energetic hike, it will never hurt these days.

It is not necessary to put off our daily activities because we feel grumpy and in pain.

It is enough to take a little more care of our eating habits to make those days during menstruation as bearable as possible.

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