Whole Fruit Or In Natural Juice? Find Out What Is Better!

What is better? Consume whole fruit or in natural juice? You may have asked yourself once and still have no answer .

However, you probably have a favorite option. Today we will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of each one, so that you can make an informed decision.

However, it should be noted that fruit, in any of its presentations, is healthy. Therefore, both whole pieces and juices are excellent supplements to the diet . Now, if it is about making the most of them, you have to distinguish which of the two options is better.

Whole fruit or in natural juice?

The consumption of whole fruit pieces, especially options rich in antioxidants such as apples, grapes and blueberries, is recommended as a habit to reduce the risk of diseases. Now, what is better … whole fruit or in natural juice?

Whole fruits retain all their properties …

Tropical fruits to combat fluid retention.

First of all, it is important to clarify that when we talk about juices, we refer to 100% natural ones. We must bear in mind that industrial juices usually contain significant amounts of sugar.

As for whether 100% natural juice or a whole fruit is better. It is not so clear. In principle, at a food level it seems that whole fruit would be better. This is because its nutritional value is slightly higher than that of juice.

What is this about? The preparation of fruit juices implies the reduction of a large part of its pulp and dietary fiber. Therefore, the glycemic index rises and, in turn, the risk of blood sugar runaways.

In fact, researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health carried out an interesting study to see which was more effective in preventing diabetes: whole fruit or juice.

And you have surely heard that this food is good for preventing the onset of diabetes. Well, in the end, they concluded that consuming whole fruit can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

For its part, 100% natural juice, according to some research, would be neutral, that is, it slightly increases the glycemic index, but not so much as to pose an additional risk of suffering from diabetes.

How can eating whole fruit be more nutritious?

fruit salad, healthy snacks to eat between meals

A simple example of the benefits of eating whole fruit is, for example, oranges. When we limit ourselves to taking it only in juice, we lose that white and fleshy part that gives us so many flavonoids.

It is true that the juice gives us vitamin C, but we lose its pulp, its fiber and part of those rich antioxidants, so necessary for health, which are found in flavonoids.

In fact, various studies show that the highest concentration of them is found in the skin and pulp. Therefore, it is advisable to consume the whole fruit, with all its pulp. 

Another example? The apples. If we eat them without peeling them, we will take advantage of their multiple anthocyanins. These are also a powerful antioxidant that can help us fight some of the damage that affects our cells.

Lastly, the skin of other whole fruits, such as grapes, is also incredibly beneficial. Most of the antioxidants it contains, such as resveratrol, are found in it.

Several studies have analyzed the properties of this component and, although its exact mechanism of action is not yet known, the research carried out to date seems to confirm its benefits for the cardiovascular system, the skin and the fight against premature aging.

About natural fruit juices

Fruit juice.

As we have already been able to deduce, consuming whole fruit in principle has more benefits. But … does this mean that it is not advisable to drink juices? No way. It will never be dangerous, we only have to take into account that we are going to have less fiber than in a whole piece and that, in addition, we must not exceed its consumption.

It is also important that you keep one aspect in mind: every time you consume a juice, it better be natural. Some commercial juices contain a very small percentage of fruit juice. The rest is usually water, sweeteners, and preservatives.

This does not mean that they pose, in principle, a health risk. If they were, they would not be allowed to be marketed. But it is true that they contain more sugars than natural juices and, therefore, it is advisable not to abuse their consumption.

The best thing for the body is to buy fresh fruit and if it has been grown organically, the better. We will wash it well and take it to the blender with skin included, whenever possible. It will not be so comfortable to drink, but this way we will have more fiber and vitamins.

In the case of children, it is very common that they prefer a juice before a whole fruit. They finish earlier and it is easier to consume.

  • A recommended option is to make them delicious “multi-fruit” bowls. To do this, we cut the fruit into small cubes and make original combinations of colors and flavors.
  • Another fun idea is to make skewers : we cut them into pieces and put them on the classic wooden stick to make it more attractive to them.

How to consume the fruit: whole or in natural juice?

So which is better: whole fruit or in natural juice? Well the answer is that both. Although whole fruit retains more nutritional components in principle than natural juice, both options are healthy.

Therefore, we can try to combine the consumption of these two alternatives. Of course, we should always try to make the juices ourselves at home to make sure they are 100% natural. In addition, there are numerous delicious recipes that we can try. Cheer up! You will see how your body thanks you.

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