Why Can Celery Tea Be Useful For Weight Loss? Write Down The Recipe!

Celery tea is a drink that has been attributed various properties. However, there is no scientific evidence to confirm that it is an essential drink for health.

Generally, it is recommended as a complementary drink to lose weight due to its low caloric intake. It is easily prepared and you can add a touch of lemon or any other ingredient you want.

Now we are going to share the most relevant details about its composition, why it is so healthy and how to prepare it.

Nutritional properties of celery

Benefits of fresh celery.

One of the main characteristics of celery is that it is composed of between 90 and 95% water. This fact makes it one of the vegetables with the lowest caloric index. For each 100-gram serving, it provides only 16 calories.

In turn, this makes it one of the easiest foods to digest and also one of the most appropriate for hydrating the body and nourishing cells. Contains small amounts of:

  • Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B9 and C.
  • Minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, and iron.

It is not surprising that it is currently one of the most demanded vegetables, both to help us lose fat and medicinally.

In addition, a study has pointed out its slimming properties in regular consumption and its multiple benefits for problems such as gastritis or cholesterol are reflected in several articles.

Benefits associated with cucumber

Some properties of celery tea are helpful when losing weight.

There are several reasons why this vegetable can be a valid supplement to supplement the diet of those who want to lose weight in a healthy way:

  • First of all, it is worth highlighting its diuretic and purifying action. This is attributed to its contribution of essential oils such as limonene, selene and asparagine. These oils are found mainly in its stem and seeds and, although in smaller quantities, also in its leaves.
  • Due to its contribution of water and fiber, it  is classified as a powerful satiating agent that can curb that anxiety that leads to ingesting more calories than you should.
  • Its antibacterial and antiviral action can help fight different types of gastrointestinal infections and thus improve digestive health. However, caution must be exercised in their consumption as they can cause indigestion and gas.
  • By stabilizing fluids in the body, it helps to improve kidney transit  and reduce inflammation caused by fluid retention.
  • It is also suitable for people who suffer from high cholesterol and triglyceride levels, since its properties can be useful to regulate them and reduce cardiovascular risk.
  • It supports the digestive processes. This is because it can improve the absorption of nutrients and prevent problems such as gas, inflammation and other symptoms that affect this system.
  • Its regular intake can help regulate the body’s metabolic processes.  Much of the body’s ability to get rid of excess fat depends on them.
  • In addition to all this, it is worth mentioning that, by ingesting it, it may be providing important nutrients to the skin, hair and eyesight.

How to prepare celery tea?

This celery tea is a refreshing drink that can be ingested hot or cold to complement weight loss diets.


  • 1 lemon
  • 3 stalks of celery
  • 1 liter of water
  • ½ teaspoon ground ginger (optional) (2.5 g)


  • We wash the celery stalks to make sure we use them clean and free of pathogens.
  • We boil a liter of water and, when it comes to a boil, we add the chopped celery. We lower the heat and leave it for an additional five or ten minutes.
  • If we want to add ginger, we can do it one or two minutes before turning off the heat.
  • When it is ready, remove it from the heat, let it rest for 10 minutes and add the lemon juice.

Keep in mind that celery tea is not a miracle drink or anything like that. Its power to help you lose weight will depend a lot on the lifestyle that has been adopted to achieve the goal.

If you are not interested in tea, but want to consume celery to take advantage of its benefits, then you may consider making a smoothie.

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